What Many Astrologers are Missing about Venus in Cancer 2023

Venus moved into the loving sign of Cancer on May 7, 2023 and will stay there until June 5, 2023. Here’s the catch: she’s Out of Bounds almost the entire transit.

When a planet goes “Out of Bounds” (OOB) in a nutshell, it means it goes either much farther north, or south that it’s usual declination. Think of it like this: if a planet’s orbit is like a record spinning on a record player, then when they go out of bounds, they are more like playing a warped record: the needle bounces up and down as the record goes around.

So, what does that mean for Astrology? It gives the planet an “out of the norm” feeling; “outside” the routine, the typical, the usual, the expected. In other words: the planet is breaking loose and playing in the realm of the unexpected!

1 —

Venus here is much more of her wild, unbound self.

Venus represents what we find attractive, valuable, harmonious, beautiful, worthy; how we relate, socialize, and love ourselves. It’s what we draw in, and magnetize into our lives.

This will mean different things to different people, and depending on where this transit falls in your chart, you’ll find it influencing different areas of your life.


2 —

Cancer here needs to go outside what’s comfortable

The sign of Cancer is the archetype of nurturing, nourishment, emotional security, roots and home, boundaries and vulnerabilities.

During this transit shake up your usual routine of how you relate to others, how you take care of yourself, how you work with your home, roots, money, spending, boundaries and vulnerabilities.

You may find you are able to breathe new life into areas that have become stale, or need a glow up.


3 —

This transit is essential for the new paradigm energy shift.

This transit works perfectly with Uranus currently in Taurus (one of the signs Venus rules) and also with Pluto being currently in Aquarius (which is ruled by Uranus) albeit Retrograde.


Do things differently. Think outside the box. Unleash your inner creative genius go beyond where you’ve gone before. The world we live in is different now. It will never go back to “the way it used to be”.

2023 is all about the bridge between building where we want to go, and reviewing what we need to take with us, or leave behind.

If you were born with Venus in Cancer OOB then you will most likely feel more “at home” and at ease with the energy of this transit.


4 —

This transit is disposited by the Moon

With the Moon as the dispositor here, we are called to pay extra attention to the rhythms and cycles of life. If you are feeling moody, ask yourself, “Where are you out of rhythm?”. Is there something you need to take a closer look at that’s making you “crabby?”

Hint: it usually comes from ignoring your needs - especially your health and wellness; from not taking action that you know you need to take, or, and here’s the kicker - not taking responsibility for yourself and your emotions. Yup, I said it. Cancer can get stuck in “everyone else is responsible for my happiness!” which only keeps the energy in it’s immature state. The big key to Cancer is SELF AUTHORITY when it comes to our emotional needs. And that means the maturity to take responsibility for the care of self. Then you can best take care of those around you too.

—-xx, Nikki

If you want to cast your chart, here are some sites that offer free chart generation (I’m not an affiliate, I just find these useful):



Astro Charts

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Venus in Cancer - what many astrologers are missing!


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