Self Empowerment comes from Self Understanding.

Your Astrology Chart is a unique blueprint of what your soul came to experience in this lifetime.

If you’re ready to:

  • explore life themes and patterns

  • uncover or validate your unique purpose and gifts

  • decondition stories that don’t fit who you really are

  • understand energetic “seasons” that you are experiencing or are upcoming

  • navigate major life transitions

    • and so much more…

  • Zodiac Wheel

    Natal Chart Reading

    AKA - Birth Chart Reading. Here we deep dive into your unique soul blueprint - what you came to experience in this life and how we can help you see the “map” of your journey in this lifetime. This is a great place to start in order to understand yourself on deeper levels than you may have thought possible, as well as broaden your self-love and self-knowledge so that you can live your life to its fullest authenticity. If you would like this focus, let me know in the booking notes.

  • General Reading

    This is a great place to start if you are new to Astrology, or have never had a professional Astrologer talk with you about your unique Natal (Birth) Chart. We’ll begin with your unique soul map: your Natal Chart, and dive into the themes your soul came to experience, and touch on what is happening now and in the near future. This Reading combines Astrological methods and intuitive flow. If you would like this focus, let me know in the booking notes.

  • Solar Return / Year Ahead

    Known also as your Astrological “Birthday” Chart, the Solar Return chart shows where the planets are at the moment the sun returns to its exact degree in your Natal (Birth) Chart. In other words: it shows what are the major energies and themes you will be encountering in what areas of life over the next Solar year. Recommended for those who are already familiar with their natal charts, or have had previous Astrology sessions. If you would like this focus, let me know in the booking notes.

Astrology is a language.

It’s how we communicate with the celestial sphere “as above” here as an embodied being on Earth “so below”. It’s how we come to understand the interplay between our inner self “as within” and the world around us “so without”. I choose to utilize the lenses of Evolutionary and Humanistic Astrology to help people connect and re-connect with the language of their psyche and their soul because I feel it gives the most helpful and ultimately transformative information. This goes way beyond just Sun Sign Astrology - it’s the Astrology of the wholeness of you, and how you evolve over time.

Astrology Library

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