Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio - Let That Sh*t Go

On May 5, 2023 at 10:34am PST, we’ll have a powerful Full Moon in Scorpio, the last of the eclipse cycle in Taurus and Scorpio that began in January 2022, and completes a 19 year cycle from 2004.

Are you ready to let go of the past?

Ready or not, Scorpio is the archetype of letting go. It represents deep, alchemical transformation, the death and rebirth cycle. To become the Phoenix rising, first we have to turn to ashes.

The South Node placed here shows us where we need to let go of patterns that aren’t working anymore, whether it’s power struggles, letting others have too much say over how or what we do, and where we carry toxicity - whether that comes in the form of relationships with others, our work, our diet, our thoughts, etc.

How exactly do we do that? The North Node in Taurus shows us the way.

Taurus is all about being alive! Being embodied in everything we live, breathe, enjoy and take part in. That’s the real flex of Taurus: learning to enjoy the simple pleasures of being incarnated in this form, in this lifetime.

Think about what you do when you are happy? Do you walk a little lighter, a little taller? Do you hum, or sing along to your favorite song? Do you dance? Do you sit outside enjoying the day? Make a favorite meal? Those are all the realms of Taurus.

North Node in Taurus has had an unexpected helper in the form of Uranus - the planet of creative genius, visionary thinking, individuation, and humanitarian goals. Together with Venus - the ruling planet of Taurus - showing us what we value, what we find worthy, we’ve been in the midst of some major reconciliation when it comes to ourselves:

  • Self - Sustainment

  • Self - Worth

  • Self - Love

  • Self - Sufficiency

  • Self - healing

It’s about coming home, back into our bodies. Enjoying life, and valuing the things that really matter. (Remember what I said about the real flex of Taurus).

This eclipse will really hit home if you have any planets, or major points (ASC, MC, Chiron, etc) at 15 degrees of the Fixed Signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius, give or take a few degrees orb.

The time is NOW to make the changes you know you need to make. 2023 is a fated year - a hugely transitory year where the old paradigm is falling away, but the new has not yet taken place. If you feel like you have one foot in each of two worlds, you are not alone. Keep going, keep making small changes in any way you can toward actualizing the real, authentic and new visionary world you want to live in.

Taurus knows that anything worth having takes time, and that slow and steady really does win the race.

Scorpio knows to get to our authentically fulfilling life we have to walk through the underworld, and slay our proverbial dragons.

You can do it. I believe in you.

If you want to cast your chart, here are some sites that offer free chart generation (I’m not an affiliate, I just find these useful):



Astro Charts

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