How Earthing can change your life

Burnout and Wellness Recovery

Prior to 2020 I was hustling. Working a ton, long hours, seven days a week, making sacrifices, doing all the things I was “supposed to do” to “get ahead”. And yup, you guessed it, it backfired epically. 

What I really ended up doing was sacrificing myself. My health, wellness, dreams, wants, desires, peace of mind, and who I authentically was. I remember literally dissociating, plastering a smile on my face just to get through the day. By the end, I was crying on my way to work, sometimes in-between clients, on my way home, at home,  in the middle of the night, when i woke up in the morning…you name it.

My body hurt all day everyday, my digestion went to pot, sleep was almost non-existent, my anxiety was through the roof, and I could barely look at myself in the mirror because I hated who I had become. If you’ve experienced burnout and the pain of not walking your aligned path, then you know what I’m talking about. It’s literal hell on Earth. 

On top of that, I was going through a Dark night of the Soul - a spiritual awakening - totally alone and unaware of what the f*ck was happening to me. That’s a post for another day. 

For over a year and a half, I could barely get out of bed for more than an hour or two before I needed to sleep again. My body literally put me in time out so that it could recover and integrate all the changes that I was undergoing. 

One of the things that helped me the most was Earthing (Grounding). There was a part of me that felt silly doing it at first, like, “OMG are you really just standing around barefoot with your hand on a tree? You really have lost your mind.” Hello, inner critic and social conditioning patterns. 

I kept doing it anyway. And lo and behold I started feeling again. And quickly! I could feel my body, I could feel connection to the Earth, I could feel connection to something greater, I could feel peace. For the first tine in years. It was a huge miracle. 

Don’t take my word for it. Try it yourself. Be open minded, and see what happens. The biggest level ups can come from the simplest things.

Life Changing Benefits of Earthing:

  • Reduces: Inflammation, Pain, Anxiety, Cortisol, Nervous System Disregulation.

  • Improves: Mood, Sleep, Digestion, Healing, Immunity, Energy Levels, Nervous System Regulation.

  • Cost: FREE.

  • Ease of Implementing: VERY EASY.


Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio - Let That Sh*t Go