4 Tips You Must Know About Taurus Energy

Taurus Zodiac Symbol


Keywords: Self worth, self love, self sufficiency, self reliance, resources, possessions, values, talents, the 5 senses, enjoying life, bliss, connection with nature, Gaia, the Empress, patience, security, food, earth, land, building, wealth, connoisseur, steadfast, lasting, boundaries.




  • HOUSE: 2ND



Tip #1: Taurus is a hugely underestimated sign in the zodiac!

What makes me say that? Taurus is a quiet sign. It's a simple sign. Taurus would much rather peacefully enjoy the fruits of their labor in a cozy outdoor setting with a fine wine or delicious meal than get involved in petty squabbles, unnecessary drama, power-struggles, or anything else that disrupts their slice of utopia.

So people underestimate their peace loving nature (Taurus is after all, ruled by Venus - the planet that prefers harmony, beauty and magnetism) for someone that can be overlooked, pushed around, or worse--easily taken from. Those people would be mistaken. Ever hear the term, "you mess with the bull, you get the horns"?  

Tip #2: Taurus in your chart will show you where you create value, worth, peace, enjoyment, and embody the sensual pleasures of being alive!

Your GREATEST RESOURCE is your physical body - and that’s just what Taurus innately knows. Without a physical body, you can’t be incarnated here. So Taurus, is where we come home to “ourselves” and realize how valuable, talented, resourceful, successful and secure we can be!

When Taurus is stressed, they can fall into greed, indolence, wallowing, laziness, not moving on. Social conditioning has taught us self worth means: having a certain bank account number, a fancy car, having likes on socials, having the “perfect” (ie:fake) life, career, body, luxury items, etc. is what "matters". Our social conditioning has taught us that simple is boring, lacking, less than, not good enough. Your REAL WORTH is not just about the “stuff” you own.

Tip #3: Taurus knows: things worth having take time + effort.

Taurus is meant to enjoy a life lived! They know building a strong foundation, investing in items that last, and investing in themselves will help them and their loved ones in the long run.

Don't forget to appreciate your Taurus friends today: they are steadfast "rocks" who can withstand the turbulence life inevitably throws our way. It's a good idea to have a Taurus on your team—even if you have to deal with some of their famous stubbornness (they prefer to call it, “determination”, thank you very much.)

Tip #4: Taurus will also show you where you can simplify your life, get clarity, and get back to what really matters.

Taurus reveals what talents, resources and values you hold within you. It's also the place where we "come back home to ourselves". It’s the place where we define our boundaries, and focus on constructing the life we desire that’s in line with our authenticity.

Sound simple? Taurus is represents simplicity. Simplicity brings clarity. With clarity, it’s easier to see what matters.

So take a look at your chart and find where Taurus is - what does Taurus illuminate for you?

—-xx, Nikki

If you want to cast your chart, here are some sites that offer free chart generation (I’m not an affiliate, I just find these useful):



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