The Most Intense Week of the Most Intense Month in 2023

Buckle up! This week May 15 - 21, 2023 is the most intense week of the most intense month of 2023!

PSA: the stars don't control us. Ever. What they do: reflect the energetics we get to interact with. We choose how we interact. Always.

So no, Mercury Rx didn't make you do anything, and being a certain sign doesn't give you license to be an ass. I said what I said.

Okay: Moving on to this week! Lol. It really is a big energy, lots of movement, lots of energetic shifts to play with. so much, there is no way I could ever fit it into a blog post. Overall - this week is about continuing to move forward.

  • Mercury went direct. So what did you find from the last 3 weeks? It was showing us resources + talents we may not have realized we had, a chance to review the BIG new plans we have been making (Jupiter in Aries, Saturn in Pisces, Pluto in Aquarius) and make sure the details are in play so that we can move forward. That's what Mercury Rx does: gives us time to review and remember so we have a better chance for success.

  • Jupiter moves into Taurus. The planet of expansion and luck moves into the sign of building things that last, and knowing value. This is a potentially great combination of energy we will experience for the next year (Jupiter spends about 1 year per sign). Be careful of overinflation - Jupiter doesn't always know where to stop (that's Saturn's job) and with Saturn in Pisces we need to make sure we are spiritually in line with the visions we are creating and building. If it's not spiritually healthy, it will collapse. If it's not authentic and innovative - reflecting your own personal path (Pluto in Aquarius) it won't last either. So make sure you're being honest with yourself and what you are trying to accomplish. 

  • There's a Fixed Grand Cross leading up to the new Moon in Taurus between the nodes, Pluto and Mars. We're dealing with alignment or re-alignment with our authentic direction and life purpose here. The tension of this cross brings our attention to our path. If you're off the path, you'll feel more of a squeeze. If you're on, you'll feel more driven to move forward. 

  • There’s a New Moon at 28 degrees Taurus this week—Big Taurus Energy with the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus and the North Node all still in Taurus. Know your value, know your worth, and know what is valuable and worth creating. Build something real (Taurus is a physical sign). Keep going where you haven't gone before. It's worth it. Don't worry if things are slow - Taurus takes time!

  • Mars moves into Leo this week, getting a boost of energy. Leo is about enthusiasm, creativity, play, generosity, and authenticity. You'll get a helping hand from Mars the planet of direction, action, desire, and courage to move your plans, your self-healing and your life forward.

  • Last, but not least, the sun moves into Gemini at then end of the week. Gemini is about our mental process, how we communicate, learn, share, get curious, and get moving all with a bit of levity, humor, and quick witted cleverness. you may find it's easier to communicate your new vision, or find helpful people to help you along the way. Gemini's love to share information!

What does this week look like for you? How do you feel about all of these energetic shifts?

If you want to cast your chart, here are some sites that offer free chart generation (I’m not an affiliate, I just find these useful):



Astro Charts

If you cast your chart and it’s like, “OMG, Help!!! I don’t get any of these weird symbols or lines!” book a reading with me, and we’ll help you find your own personal blueprint full of your superpowers.



Where’s YOUR Abundance in 2023-2024?


4 Tips You Must Know About Taurus Energy