Where’s YOUR Abundance in 2023-2024?

Photo by Lewis Ashton on Pexels

Jupiter moves into Taurus on May 16, 2023 and stays there until May 25. 2024! What does this mean for your rising sign?

Read on…

Not gonna lie, I'm excited for this transit. For the next year (and a week-ish) Jupiter, the planet of expansion, abundance, wisdom, philosophy, natural law and luck will be in the sign of self love, value, worth, resources and stability --Taurus!

This is a potentially great combination of energy we will experience for the next year (Jupiter spends about 1 year per sign). Be careful of overinflation - Jupiter doesn't always know where to stop (that's Saturn's job) and with Saturn in Pisces we need to make sure we are spiritually in line with the visions we are creating and building. If it's not spiritually healthy, it will collapse.

If it's not authentic and innovative - reflecting your own personal path (Pluto in Aquarius) it won't last either. So make sure you're being honest with yourself and what you are trying to accomplish.

There's a Fixed Grand Cross happening almost immediately after Jupiter ingresses into Taurus between the nodes, Pluto and Mars. Fixed energy is about sustainability, about bringing things to an apex, about energies that last for the long haul. We're dealing with alignment or re-alignment with our authentic direction and life purpose here. The tension of this cross brings our attention to our path. If you're off the path, you'll feel more of a squeeze. If you're on, you'll feel more driven to move forward. This Fixed Grand Cross Energy will carry through and color this year long transit of Jupiter.

The last time Jupiter was in Taurus was between 2011-2012, so there may be some repeating or closing out themes for you on this transit.

So what does that mean for you?  We’ll take a look at all 12 signs and what Jupiter’s transit could signify. These overviews are best from your Rising Sign because the areas of life they cover will be more relevant.  If you don’t know your rising sign, you can use your sun sign.

One final head’s up: these are general overviews and may not fully fit into your personal experience since I can’t do a truly personal reading in this kind of format, that is something that you will have to book either with me, or an experienced astrologer.  Your natal chart is your unique blueprint of what you came to learn, experience, and explore in this lifetime.  Take what resonates for you, and leave the rest.

Aries ­Rising / Sun

This Transit will cover your 2nd house, which is Taurus’s home base. Take special care of your finances, resources, values, and worth. Look for where you can create money, worth, value, and confidence in new ways. Be open to innovation or unexpected changes.

Taurus Rising / Sun

This transit will cover your 1st house, which is the house of self! Expansion in all matters of your personal identity, love, growth, consciousness, independence and self-reliance. Focus on what you want to create, or expand. Use the resources and talents you innately have, and have been gathering over this last year when the NN has been traveling through your 1st house. What wisdom have you gained over the past year and a half that will help you actualize your dreams? Now is the time to put it to use.

Gemini Rising / Sun

This transit will occur in your 12th house. The 12th house is a natural house for Jupiter. Here abundance and luck truly come from your connection to Spirit and Spiritual alignment. Psychic attunement, and intuition may be especially heightened. You may also feel the need to spend more time alone, or away from your usually daily demands and routines.

Cancer Rising / Sun

This transit will affect your 11th house. The transit will highlight friendships, groups, and social engagements. Using technology, the internet or social media may help you get a boost with whatever you are trying to build at this time. Help and abundance may come from your social network, or there may be changes in your connections, so pay attention to those over the next year.

Leo Rising / Sun

This transit covers your 10th house.  Now the 10th house is the house of your career, social status, and legacies. So changes, promotions, expansion or unexpected shifts could be especially prevalent over the next year. Be mindful of how you treat others – Jupiter brings rewards to those who conduct themselves with honor and integrity.

Virgo Rising / Sun

This transit occurs in your 9th house, which is a home base for Jupiter. With Jupiter on it’s home turf beliefs, wisdom, long distance travel (travel abroad), and connections to other cultures, people and viewpoints different from your own are highlighted. You may find yourself interested in new philosophies, or working with sudden realizations, relocations or study in foreign areas.

Libra Rising / Sun

This transit is happening in your 8th house. The 8th house one of the most mysterious areas in the zodiac. As the house of transformation, you may have deep psychological insights or breakthroughs. The house of “other people’s resources: a word of caution: always be careful of get rich quick schemes or anything that seems “too good to be true”. You may also find it easier to “reinvent” anything in your life that has been “dying off”.

Scorpio Rising / Sun

This transit covers your 7th house and is all about relationships—particularly your one on one partnerships whether they are romantic, business or otherwise. Make sure there is balance in your partnerships, that one side isn’t over giving or over taking. There may be revelations, shifts or changes in your partnerships, which will always work out for your highest good.

Sagittarius Rising / Sun

This transit will affect your 6th house of health and daily routine. Be mindful of over-doing or over-extending yourself here. If you need a little health boost, take a look at your self-care ,daily routine or your work environment: changes may be easier to implement and keep during this transit and may be exactly the solution you have been looking for.

Capricorn Rising / Sun

This transit is in your 5th house. It’s time to get creative, have some fun, and carve out time for play! The most successful people understand the need for play as a part of the creative process, and it may be the very thing you need to catapult you to your next achievement. Romance and children (including your inner child) are also highlighted here.

Aquarius Rising / Sun

This transit will be in your 4th house. The 4th house is all about home, roots, family, and emotional security. The key to success will be embracing your self worth, values, talents and resources. It may be time to make some changes on the home front – whether it’s your literal place you call home, your inner “home” or both. When you are solid “in here” it’s easier to be solid “out there”.

Pisces Rising / Sun

This transit will be in your 3rd house. Sharing, communication and learning will all get a boost during this transit. You may find yourself more involved in your neighborhood or with your siblings. Follow your curiosity and see where it leads you – you may get some wonderful surprises that lead you down a new solid path.


—-xx, Nikki

If you want to cast your chart, here are some sites that offer free chart generation (I’m not an affiliate, I just find these useful):



Astro Charts

If you cast your chart and it’s like, “OMG, Help!!! I don’t get any of these weird symbols or lines!” book a reading with me, and we’ll help you find your own personal blueprint full of your superpowers.


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