Courage to Start Anew - Mars in Leo, 2023

Proud strong Lion - Mars in Leo 2023

Fiery Mars moves into fiery Leo on May 20, 2023 and stays there until July 10, 2023. But this is no ordinary planet changing signs

Read on…

Mars's ingress into Leo is extra important this time around because it's part of the Fixed Grand Cross I've been on about for a while now.

This Fixed Grand Cross hits all the fixed signs - Taurus (value + security), Leo (passions + expression), Scorpio (transformation + mysteries) and Aquarius (individuality + belonging).

Taurus has the Sun (our purpose), Mercury (communication), Jupiter (expansion), Uranus (innovation) + the North Node (destiny we are moving toward); Leo has Mars (action), Scorpio the South Node (the destiny we are moving away from), and Aquarius has Pluto (our soul's evolution).

So, LOL, this is no typical planet changing signs. This is major. This is the Lion and the Warrior roaring into action, activating and stirring up all the tension for developing our new paths and timelines as part of our destiny.

I told ya, 2023 is HUGE. Like so HUGE we will look back and understand how pivotal this year really was. Take the opportunities to forge ahead and create the newness your soul has been calling you toward.

Spirit/God/The Creator/the Universe -- whatever you choose to call the essence that weaves everything together -- is opening up so many doorways this year. It's not by accident. We are at a literal crossroads of where we are going individually and collectively. We can make huge leaps forward with the energy.

Take the leap.

Do the thing.

Stay the course.

It will be worth it.


—-xx, Nikki

If you want to cast your chart, here are some sites that offer free chart generation (I’m not an affiliate, I just find these useful):



Astro Charts

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