3 Reasons Your Sun Sign Doesn’t Resonate + the number 1 way to fix it!

Before we dive in, this article is in no way knocking Sun Sign Astrology or Sun Sign Astrology Forecasts.  I have loads of respect for Astrologers who can write a daily, weekly, or monthly Sun Sign column. It’s a very special skill to be able to pick out a small piece of what is a very large Cosmic conversation!

Beyond that, Sun Sign Astro Forecasts are a great intro to diving deeper into the depths of Astrology because almost everyone knows their Sun Sign. However – one of the biggest criticisms I hear when people tell me “Astrology doesn’t work” is because they read Sun Sign forecasts and they don’t identify with what those forecasts are saying.

Let’s break down the top 3 reasons why that happens —and the number one way to fix it!

1 —

Sun Sign Astrology Distills the Sign Down Into a Few Keywords

Or at best a couple of sentences to keep things relatively uniform, and “easier” to understand. Which isn’t a terrible idea because let’s face it – the full language of Astrology is very deep and complex. However, it doesn’t really give a person’s character (which is represented by their Sun) the fullness and depth it actually has in reality.

Moreover – several signs seem to always get the “short end of the stick” (I’m looking at you Gemini, Virgo and Scorpio) with less than flattering tropes that seem to have more to do with bias or buzzwords than they do with the sign’s true archetype. Not all Gemini’s are two faced, not all Virgos are wet blankets, and not all Scorpios are sex-crazed maniacs. Reading those kinds of stereotypes in a horoscope or forecast, while sometimes amusing, isn’t really helpful. It can leave you feeling disappointed thinking, “well, that’s not me!” or even worse, “I don’t want to be my Sun sign”.

2 —

There’s Actually 3 types of Each of the Sun Signs. (Say what!?)

Without getting into too much technical jargon, there’s an Astrological layer called decans, which subdivides each of the signs into three “flavors” according to the element (fire, earth, air, water) the sign is in. The concept is, that the zodiac as a reflection of the spherical sky is 360 degrees around, divided into 12 signs, gives 30 degrees to each sign. Those 30 degrees are then further divided down into three more slices of 10 degrees each.

Too technical? Think of it like this: you have a round cake with 12 roses neatly circling the cake. You slice it into 12 wedges with one rose each because you are expecting 12 guests. But each of those guests brought a couple of plus ones. What do you do? Slice those original 12 wedges, baby. Now your slices look a bit different, and those roses aren’t so uniform, are they?

Sun Sign Astrology says, “all Aries are the same” but that’s not quite the case. The first 10 degrees of Aries (0-9 degrees) will be a typical Aries ruled by Mars. But the second 10 degrees (10-19 degrees) will have the next fire sign – Leo -- flavor to it, and be sub ruled by the Sun, and the final 10 degrees (20-29) will have the final fire sign – Sagittarius -- flavor and be sub ruled by Jupiter.

Too complicated? Well, imagine you are a dancer: what kind of dance do you do? Ballet? Flamenco? Clogging? Those are all forms of dance, and they have things in common, but they are certainly not the same flavor of dance done in the same venues with the same music or the same costumes or the same skill sets. Make sense?

Understanding the decans layer to your sign can really help you recognize why you don’t relate to your other sun sign counterparts, or maybe even much of the “standard” sun sign at all!

3 —

The Entire Natal Chart Needs to be Read as a Whole.

Now this may or may not seem obvious, but you are not only your Sun Sign. Just like you cannot be condensed to “only one” thing in your life, or “only one” personality trait, or “only one” experience, etc. You are the sum of ALL your parts, your experiences, your wins, your losses, your fears, your courages, your talents and your bloopers. And you are evolving. As you go through life, you change, grow, expand, contract. So does your personal natal chart.

When it comes to the Sun, that’s the area of life you are growing into.  You become your Sun sign over time. The other planets on the chart give many more clues into things like how easy or challenging this growth may be (aspects to the Sun) or what other area or areas of the chart are taking precedent (lots of planets in other houses or signs), for example. Even the placement of the Sun in the chart gives us clues: if it’s above or below the horizon, or on the western or eastern side of the chart when you were born gives even more insight to how your Sun is expressed, where it’s expressed, and when you may feel more comfortable in your Sun Sign skin.

So, now that you know how many more layers there are to just your Sun Sign, what’s the number one way to fix feeling like you don’t relate to it?

1 —

Invest in a Personal Natal Chart Reading With a Reputable Astrologer You Resonate With

They will be able to answer questions, dispel negative stereotypes or fears about your chart, and give you relevant and individualized guidance about your natal chart – your soul’s map in this life. If you want to book a reading with me, you can do so here.

If you’re not ready to invest in a personal chart reading or are more into DIY – you can cast your own chart for free (links below). There are many sites that also give some generalized information on what your natal chart may signify, but as always – be careful what you read on the internet. 

To cast your chart you will need your time of birth for an accurate chart. The sign on the horizon (your rising sign), and the moon in your chart (your emotional needs) change fairly frequently throughout the day. While a minute or two usually won’t matter much for your chart, even 15 – 30 minutes can have a big impact. Getting ahold of your birth certificate or record to verify the time is the best way to go.

—-xx, Nikki

If you want to cast your chart yourself, here are some sites that offer free chart generation (I’m not an affiliate, I just find these useful):



Astro Charts

If you cast your chart and it’s like, “OMG, Help!!! I don’t get any of these weird symbols or lines!” book a reading with me, and we’ll help you find your own personal blueprint full of your superpowers.


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