4 Tips You Must Know About Gemini Energy


Keywords: Self worth, self love, self sufficiency, self reliance, resources, possessions, values, talents, the 5 senses, enjoying life, bliss, connection with nature, Gaia, the Empress, patience, security, food, earth, land, building, wealth, connoisseur, steadfast, lasting, boundaries.




  • HOUSE: 3RD



Tip #1: Gemini in your chart will show you where you share, communicate, make connections, and crave variety

Gemini’s understand the more we can learn, know, try out, be curious -- the more variety we include, the richer our ability to navigate the world and Gemini’s want to go out and share all of life’s good stuff.

Gemini is meant to try a little bit of everything, to experience being misunderstood, to not have the answers, to meet lots of new people - all in part of the quest to stay agile, young at heart, and open minded.

They aren’t being flaky, (all of the time anyway) they are just meant to pivot more than other signs. Like the wing footed messenger Mercury (their ruling planet), they go fast! And sometimes that may look to others like they don’t have an attention span, or aren’t willing to go deep. Slowing down is not something that comes naturally to a Gemini.

Tip #2: Gemini is learning the art of communication

Being able to communicate and share information with one another and the world around us is essential to our life experience. Gemini seeks out language, communication, connection, networking, and socializing to help them in their quest to find their true voice.

Along the way, they may be misunderstood, may miscommunicate, may change what they say or what they think. This doesn’t mean they are failing at communication - on the contrary, the more “mistakes” Gemini makes, the more information they gather and the more opportunities they have to grow.

Geminis are quick witted, often hilarious word smiths, never missing an opportunity for a great pun, joke or irreverent quip. When they are stressed they may take to talking too much, talking out of turn, gossiping, or getting salesy to make their point. This comes from over using their mind in place of their heart, which often leads to a bit of boredom, restlessness or anxiety.

Tip #3: If you need to make a connection, find a Gemini

Gemini’s are naturals at connecting the dots and spotting patterns. Their mental agility and penchant for analysis is really helpful in many areas of life. There’s a good chance they will see things that others miss because they are observant and intelligent.

If you need a social contact, ask a Gemini. They either know someone, or know someone who knows someone. Need a recommendation for a great service, restaurant, book, or just about anything else? You got it, ask a Gemini. They are like a human “Google” full of facts, reviews, tidbits and insider tips.

Tip #4: Gemini’s embody flexibility

Gemini’s are represented by the Twins. So they are always looking at “both sides” of a person, situation, place, etc. Their flexible views can drive some people nuts (even themselves at times) but they are serving an important function: being able to see polarities, put themselves in other’s shoes, or play “devil’s advocate” is an important skill.

They are typically very good at “going with the flow”, being easy-breezy.

So take a look at your chart and find where Gemini is - what does Gemini illuminate for you?

—-xx, Nikki

If you want to cast your chart, here are some sites that offer free chart generation (I’m not an affiliate, I just find these useful):



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