SUPERMOON IN PISCES: put down the baggage to get the magic!

photo: by me, on Adobe Express

Wooooweee! Hello, hello, hello! Nicole here from Illuminated MVMT talking about this beautiful, Full Moon, Supermoon, BLUE MOON! In the magical sign of Pisces, illuminating our sky on August 30, 2023.

Why is this moon special? Well, for one, It’s the first lunation with Saturn in Pisces, where Saturn will stay until 2026. Secondly, These Blue Supermoon lunations don’t happen all that often. The next one won’t be until 2037, so we really are kicking off a portal of energetic potential here. 

How to make the most of this energetic momentum? Put down your baggage, to receive the magic. Cue: Erykah Badu, “Bag Lady”. If you haven’t heard that song, pause what you’re doing and it give it a listen. It’s transformative.

This baggage is in the form of unconscious thoughts, actions and energies we may be perpetuating, or have absorbed from others that drain our life force. Virgo and Saturn are wonderful helpers here -- take inventory of what is yours energetically and what isn't; what helps you and what hinders you. Saturn will be in Pisces along with Neptune until 2026. So now is the time to build your visions, make your dreams a reality, and get good psychic hygiene so that you can stay focused for the long haul. 

What else is going on energetically?

Earth energy coming in strong now. The Sun and Mercury Rx in Virgo invite us to analyze our daily life: is it a life that is uplifting and life affirming? If not, where can you make changes so that things run more smoothly. Remember Virgo is excellent at discerning and separating what we need to keep, what we need to let go. What brings us vitality, what takes it away. It’s also so important, and so often overlooked because it deals with some of the details of the “mundane” - that is, the small, tiny, day to day accummulation of life. But this is another part of Virgo’s magic: it’s the little things we do each and everyday, that are the power players in our life, and they are often the things we overlook. We have a wonderful invitation to put our attention back into our day to day life. What are your routines like? Do you want to get out of bed in the morning? Or do you groan and want to hide from the world. How is your health? Are you taking time to give yourself things that make you feel good? Or is each day a repetition of the same drudgery? These are the questions we need to ask, to answer honestly, and then to make whatever adjustments we can. (Hint: think small and easy to replicate).

Retrograde parade

Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus are bringing opportunities for expansion and freedom. Both planets are currently retrograde - so much of this opportunity and expansion will be related to how we are connected to our inner world, and will give us the opportunities to adjust our energy as needed. How have your values changed since Uranus went into Taurus in 2019? How do you view simplicity and self-sustainment? What have you broken free from? What do you need to break free from? These are all Uranus questions.

Now for Jupiter - this is an interesting one, because often Astrologers or Astro lovers only talk about Jupiter in “adding to”, “expanding” or “bringing luck”, which Jupiter most certainly does. However - Jupiter can often only bring us the luck, opportunities or whatever we want it to bring if we have made room for them to come in. Yup. Read that again. Have you made room for the expansion you are seeking? If not, what needs to go? And here’s the other question: are you being clear about what you want Jupiter to expand? It may be great to get a big, new house that you’ve been dreaming of! But did you also remember to align with the money needed to upkeep it so that you can sustain your lucky gift for the long haul? Let the Taurus energy help you get your energy in line to sustain what you receive.

Pluto still squaring the nodes - upgrades galore!

Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn, still squaring the nodes, asks us to take another look at what outworn structures in our life need to transform, where we may still be giving our power away to outside authorities, and how we can empower ourselves to be secure and safe from within. Ah Pluto, another planet that gets misunderstood and blamed so often, for any perceived troubles. But here’s the deal with Pluto and Plutonian energy - it’s here to help you make your subconscious conscious. It’s here to help you see in dark places. It’s here to illuminate things that need transformation.

If you built a house, and that house’s foundation was rotting, wouldn’t you want to know before it collapsed upon you? Sure, it’s maybe not preferred to be shown that you have a rotting foundational structure to something in your life, but it’s such a gift to be able to see it and do something about it! And that’s where Pluto comes in. Pluto is like your really blunt best friend, who says things that are so true, they are almost offensive. Learn to look at Pluto’s revelations as gifts in your life. Pluto is here to help empower you by showing you where the disempowerment lies so that you can do something to change it.

Remember - these may be wild times, but our Soul chose to be here because we have important work to do. We are on the precipice of changing realities in the biggest ways. I know it’s intense. Hang in there. Stay positive.

You got this. I believe in you.

If you want to cast your chart, here are some sites that offer free chart generation (I’m not an affiliate, I just find these useful):



Astro Charts

If you cast your chart and it’s like, “OMG, Help!!! I don’t get any of these weird symbols or lines!” book a reading with me. I specialize in helping people get clear on their superpowers and where their unique gifts are.


Put down the baggage to receive the Magic!


Hello, hello, hello! Nicole here from Illuminated MVMT talking about this beautiful, Full Moon, Supermoon, BLUE MOON! In the magical sign of Pisces.




SUPERMOON in Aquarius!