SUPERMOON in Aquarius!

photo: Pixabay

On August 1, 2023 at 11:31am PST, we’ll have a powerful Supermoon Full Moon in Aquarius, part of two Supermoons in a Blue Moon month. Plus, Pluto Rx is still squaring the nodes of the moon now in Aries / Libra, and this Full Moon is in a T-Square with Jupiter in Taurus.

Wowza. Are you ready for this?

This Full Moon is about looking at the bigger picture, and your place in it.

Aquarius is a unique sign. Part of what makes it unique is its dual nature - Aquarius is concerned both with humanity at large as well as the soul's path to individuation.

Leo / Aquarius axis has to do with authenticity, creative abilities, and getting in front of the right "audience". It's not easy to be your most authentic self in a group of people that don't understand, appreciate or respect what you are about.

This week - it's about shining light on you and your place in the bigger picture. Are you in front of the right people? A part of groups that really reflect your individual desires, beliefs, and spiritual path?

If you are, this FULL MOON is going to feel great. If not - this Full Moon is going to show you what needs adjustment.

On the same day, Mercury in Virgo opposes Saturn Rx in Pisces, driving home the point that what we think about, what we speak, who we are networking with, and our daily devotions affect the bigger picture of what we are trying to actualize. If your daily life, who you are around, and the routines and habits you hold are life affirming - or not -it will be obvious today.

There is so much energy around being "authentic" right now. I've said before, that can be tricky. Because there is no manual on how to be your realest self. That's literally against the entire concept. Being your realest, bestest most authenticist self - is all about your relationship to you. Period.

With so much illusion and disillusionment, deep fakes, AI, facetune, autotune, this person's "right", no that person's "right" - no believe me - no believe me! (hello Neptune in Pisces era) it's not a wonder there's a hint of a tsunami of madness in the air.

All these Retrograde planets: Venus, Saturn, Chiron, Neptune, Pluto, and Eris-Xena are urging us to purge what is no longer a reflection of where we are and who we are now.

Pluto Rx in Capricorn - squaring the Nodes in Aries / Libra, big shifts in how re relate to our inner authority, the ability to care for ourselves - and to care for others, without sacrificing who we actually are. Major moves may be made over the next few months to restore balance if needs be, or to catapult you upward into a whole new sphere of being!

As always when interacting with people who aren't aware of what is happening in the cosmos - and who may be reeling/projecting all over out of unconsciousness - be kind if you can. Be patient when you can. Try not to let someone else's crisis vibes take up real-estate in your energy field if it doesn't belong there. Put your metaphorical headphones on.

Stay centered my friends.

You got this. I believe in you.

If you want to cast your chart, here are some sites that offer free chart generation (I’m not an affiliate, I just find these useful):



Astro Charts

If you cast your chart and it’s like, “OMG, Help!!! I don’t get any of these weird symbols or lines!” book a reading with me, and we’ll help you find your own personal blueprint full of your superpowers.



SUPERMOON IN PISCES: put down the baggage to get the magic!


NEW MOON IN GEMINI - Return to Wonderland