The Sun and Mercury join in the sky today giving us a chance to upgrade our mindset…are you ready to have empowering thoughts?

Read on…

September 2023 is a wonderful healing and grounding month for us. The Retrogrades are giving us opportunities for second chances and time to review, revise and revisit parts of our lives. If you haven’t read my post on why Retrogrades are awesome (not fearful) read it here.

Today we get a boost from the Sun-Mercury conjunction in Virgo. Let’s break it down:

  • The Sun: illuminates, empowers, gives confidence and purpose

  • Mercury: mental process, curiosity, and making connections

  • Virgo: “this” not “that”, analysis, healing, integration, and making better

So how can we make the best use of this energy? By asking ourselves open-ended empowering questions.

  • The power of a question

When we ask ourselves an open-ended question, our brain goes to work finding a solution. It looks for evidence to support what we are asking about, and focuses on getting us to what we are asking for. Our brain is amazing and loves us so much. What is an open-ended question? The “why” questions.

  • Disempowering questions

I’m willing to bet most of us have mastered the art of asking ourselves disempowering questions. Don’t believe me? Okay, reflect on this: how many times have you asked yourself the question, “why does this always happen to me?” in a sad face emoji tone. Or how about this sad emoji question, “why do i have to go to this job i hate?” How about this one, “why do I never have enough money?” Or this classic, “why does no one support me?”. Any of these sound familiar?

Hey, there’s no shame or judgement here. I have asked my fair share of these kinds of questions, and at one point in my life I could have gotten a gold medal in disempowering questions without even breaking a sweat. Honestly, I didn’t think much of it at all. It was just normal. Everyone does this right? And it has been normalized: as a society, we’ve been conditioned to ask disempowering, limiting, and negative questions. The result? We get sad stories, dramas, and epic soap operas about why life is so hard and unfair.

Time to change that.

  • Empowering questions

You ready to ask empowering questions? Here’s the recipe: take the disempowering/negative/ question and flip it around. When you identify something you want, ask yourself an open-ended question from a positive standpoint. For example, instead of asking yourself, “why do I have to work at a job I hate?” ask yourself, “why do I love my job so much?”. Instead of asking, “why does no one support me?” ask, “why do I have so many supportive people in my life?”. When you ask these kinds of questions, your brain goes to work finding the answers, which is magic in so many ways.

One, it opens up your perception, focuses you on what you DO want. And when your mind is working on finding evidence in your life of what you DO what, you experience more of it. Opportunities can open up to you. Blessings can be received. Positive changes will be magnetized to you. Negative, unwanted things will fall away. It’s how the law of attraction works. It’s Quantum. It’s 5d. And that’s where we are going, baby. From disempowered and unconscious creating to empowered conscious co-creating.

  • It can’t be that easy

It can. Or not. It’s really up to you. There may be times you are asking yourself empowering questions and it feels really uncomfortable, that’s okay. It is just showing you where you are running an old disempowering mind program.

So if you start asking yourself a question that’s really uncomfortable like, “why do i have so much money” (when your bank account is not showing the same story), tweak the question a little. Try, “why do i have so many opportunities to make more money?” or “why does money find it’s way to me” or whatever feels a little more comfortable to you. Then keep asking. You’ll see a shift it what comes to you. What encounters you have, what opportunities, what ideas, what inspired actions. All by shifting from open-ended disempowering questions, to open-ended empowering questions.

  • Sun-Mercury is only for one day!

This is true, but it happens approximately every two months. So, don’t worry, today is not your only opportunity to use this energy. It just brings this positive mental energy opportunity into focus. You can change your mindset whenever you choose. You don’t have to wait for a planetary alignment. As I said, it can be easier to boost your positive mental process on days when Sun-Mercury are joined up in the sky. Look at it this way - the more you practice, the more you can use future Sun-Mercury conjunction days to uplevel!

  • What if I was born with Sun-Mercury conjunct?

Lucky you! You chose to be born into this life with these planets teamed up because you knew it would help you, and because you knew it was an energy you wanted to explore. Your mindset will pay off big time in your life (for better or worse). So if you aren’t already, make a conscious choice to shift to open-ended empowering questions. If you already are a natural at this - awesome! It’s one of your superpowers. You may be an inspiration to others who come in contact with you.


—-xx, Nikki

If you want to see your chart, here are some sites that offer free chart generation (I’m not an affiliate, I just find these useful):



Astro Charts

If you cast your chart and it’s like, “OMG, Help!!! I don’t get any of these weird symbols or lines!” book a reading with me. I specialize in helping people get clarity, confidence and inspiration from their natal charts.


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