NEW MOON IN VIRGO - where do we go from here?

Cross Roads Signpost

The New Moon in Virgo on Sept 14, 2023 is, IMO, the best so far this year. Why? Well, it’s making powerful contacts with all 3 outer planets, Mercury in Virgo goes direct shortly after, and it’s gearing us up for the next half of the Astrological year.

Read on, or jump to the videos at the end…

As I’ve said in previous posts, September 2023 is a wonderful healing and grounding month for us. Virgo is a natural healing sign and with all the intensity of 2023 - it’s a much needed energy.

Today we get a beautiful new moon in Virgo:

  • Sun: illuminates, empowers, gives confidence and purpose

  • Moon: emotional security, comfort, memories, instincts, and mood

  • Virgo: “this” not “that”, analysis, healing, integration, and making better

New moons begin a lunar cycle. For the next 29.5 days, we are encouraged to incorporate all things Virgo. Now, that new moon in Virgo naturally has an even more special layer: it marks the half-way point in the Astrological year. So when we arrive at the new moon in Virgo we are being asked to assess where we are, what we have, and where we want to go from here.

  • Activating a Grand Earth Trine

This new moon is making contacts with Uranus in Taurus and Pluto in Capricorn. Trine energy is a flow-state energy, where the information and the viewpoints are easy and smooth sailing. The challenge is not to get so comfortable with the ease that we rest on our laurels and waste the opportunities presented.

  • Uranus: breaking free, liberation, changes, breakthroughs, revolution

  • Taurus: security, value, worth, resources, peace, bliss, 5 senses

Uranus has been in Taurus since 2018, shaking up our sense of “what is valuable”, what is worth our time/money/attention/etc. You may have noticed in your own life that you’ve undergone quite a metamorphosis in the areas of value, security and worth (which includes yourself!). The Virgo new moon, stepping in to help that process by showing us what to focus on, helping us move on from things that no longer serve us, reminding us what we have that is of value and how to put it to use.

  • Pluto: reclaiming personal power, transformations, intensity

  • Capricorn: self-determination, goals, structures, achievement

Pluto has been working its magic on Capricorn since 2008. Plutonian magic helps us see what is taking our power. What is limiting us. What parts of the foundation are rotting and need to be replaced. The gift of Pluto is when we become conscious of these things - we transform into more empowered versions of ourselves. Capricorn helps us rise above hardship, stay the long-haul, and create lasting legacies that will benefit many. There may have been many structures in your personal life that have been undergoing change and transformation. On the world stage, there are many, many, many changes happening in society, governments, laws and those types of “societal structures”. The Virgo new moon is helping us “sort through the sh-t”, if you will.

Together, all these Earth energies are illuminating positive changes on the material plane. It may be much easier now to roll up your sleeves and get to work on things that are tangible, and to see tangible results.

  • Neptune in Pisces opposition

The Virgo-Pisces axis in Astrology is the one I call, “As above (Pisces) so, below (Virgo)”. Meaning, it’s the axis of embodying the divine plan in all of us. If we were just aether, there would be no need to have a physical human experience. If we were just blobs aimlessly roaming around, there would be no need to have a divine connection. But that’s the beauty of being human: we are co-creating every moment we experience. It’s a collaboration.

  • Neptune: divine, spirit, chaos, transcendence, visionary, magic

  • Pisces: understanding everything as connected, devotion, boundary-less

Neptune has been in its home sign of Pisces since 2011. Since then, there has been a deep need to re-connect our human experience with something greater. The understanding that we are not separate from God. Science finally catching up to and demonstrating what Spirituality has known for centuries. The challenge has been the rise of escapism, addiction, mental health struggles, not being able to discern what is “real”, falling for illusions. This Virgo new moon is really helping us to sort out “real” and “not real”, getting us back into our physical body in a healthy way if we have been struggling there. It will also help us get to work on our dreams and visions in a more integrated and ultimately, more “perfect” way.

Below I posted a couple of videos from my YouTube channel. I did a deep dive with the new moon chart so you can see all the planets as they are being discussed. I also did a shorter “quick and dirty” essentials of this new moon, if that is more your jam.

Happy new moon in Virgo!

—-xx, Nikki

If you want to see your chart, here are some sites that offer free chart generation (I’m not an affiliate, I just find these useful):


Astro Charts

If you cast your chart and it’s like, “OMG, Help!!! I don’t get any of these weird symbols or lines!” book a reading with me. I specialize in helping people get clarity, confidence and inspiration from their natal charts.

Essential New Moon in Virgo

New Moon in Virgo - Deep Dive. How this moon fits into the bigger Astrological picture.


