The sun moves into Libra this week as we celebrate the Autumnal Equinox! 

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By Saturday , September 23rd, the Sun moves into Libra. Happy Birthday Librans! In the zodiac, Libra is the first sign where we become aware of "the other" and move from "me" centered to "we centered". 

It's a wonderful time to make connections with others, relationships will be highlighted for the next month as well as letting go of some of Libra's less than wonderful behaviors - people pleasing, manipulation, intolerance, trouble-making, and covert power struggles. 

Why? well remember, the South Node is in Libra, and it's square Pluto. 

Translation? Anything not in balance (particularly when it comes to relationships or power dynamics) has to change. 

This fall, and all the way into next year, we are being given the opportunity to create more healthy balanced lives, relationships, endeavors, jobs, etc. 

It's an exciting fall season coming up. 

I did a DEEP dive into the Libra and Equinox energies of this year on my YouTube channel, check it out below.

Hello, World!

Libra Season + Equinox - falling together, or falling apart?


—-xx, Nikki

If you want to cast your chart, here are some sites that offer free chart generation (I’m not an affiliate, I just find these useful):


Astro Charts

If you cast your chart and it’s like, “OMG, Help!!! I don’t get any of these weird symbols or lines!” book a reading with me, and we’ll help you find your own personal blueprint full of your superpowers.


SOLAR ECLIPSE IN LIBRA - healing “me + you”


NEW MOON IN VIRGO - where do we go from here?