NEW MOON IN SAGITTARIUS - don’t lose hope!

December’s new and full moons are a bit different from the norm, but that’s a perfect fit for the Alice in Wonderland vibe of 2023. Read on…

Ah, Sagittarius. The eternal optimist of the zodiac (except for when it’s perpetually disappointed LOL) ready to shoot the arrow of faith into the unknown and trust that the target will be hit. Coming from the depths of the serious and intense Scorpio, Sagittarius reminds us that even in the darkest night, there is always light.

Sagittarius in the Northern Hemisphere aligns with the time of year when we have less sunlight each day, so we require the creation of light: fires, candles, twinkling lights….etc. It’s also the time of year when we gather and reflect on the year we’ve had: we celebrate our triumphs and wins, our losses and sorrows. We put faith in the “new year” and the hope that we will endure to see another.

This year, the Sagittarius season kicked off with the Sun and Mars running SMACK! into a square with Saturn in Pisces - a bit of a teacher watching and thwarting our youthful desire to break out of the schoolyard and have a bit of naughty fun and adventure. Alas, we weren’t able to go full Evel Knievel but given the cosmic circumstances, was most likely for the best. We live to dream another day.

This new moon in Sagittarius is in square to Neptune in Pisces - dissolving and fogging up our usual cheer and revelry with a bit of façade and illusion. There’s almost a wistful yearning for things wished for and not had. Or the desire to escape into what “could have been” instead of what has been.


And then we have Jupiter in Taurus, still retrograde opposing Venus in Scorpio. As the ruler of Sagittarius, Jupiter presides over this new moon energy. Jupiter Rx in Taurus reminding us to be grateful for what we have. In retrograde it’s sometimes harder to feel like we can make direct movement toward a goal - and Taurus certainly loves a goal, in fact anything they can build, attain, hold on to and mature for the long haul because Taurus craves security.

And then we have Venus, the planet in charge of Taurus, in the depths of Scorpio. Here she is transforming what we once found valuable, attractive or magnetic. She’s reassessing what it is she wants. Times have changed and so have her tastes. So take a cue from Venus and ask yourself what tastes have changed for you? Or— what things were once attractive that seem a bit stale? It’s a perfect time to let the energy of the Phoenix that is Scorpio burn away what is no longer needed to reveal what IS needed now.

The key to this new moon will be moderation, a concept neither Jupiter or Venus is very fond of (or Sagittarius for that matter). But for whatever unique to you reason, the cosmos are inviting us to hold on a little longer, and not go to volume 11 just yet.

On this same day, Mercury in Capricorn is Station to go Retrograde. When a planet stations (ie: stops from our perspective on Earth) the energy gets ramped up. So why might we need Mercury in Capricorn to get a bit louder?

The answer will vary depending on your situation, but one reason may be that we need to cut to the chase, and to do that, we need to go back and look for a key piece of info that we will need to make our ascent up the proverbial mountain.

So on a new moon in Sagittarius that’s a bit out of the ordinary - don’t lose hope. Dig a little deeper. Look a little more inward. Rely more on the faith that comes from within, than without.

I did a deep dive into the new moon on my YouTube Channel. Check it out below.

New Moon in Sagittarius - DON’T LOSE HOPE! 12-12-23

—-xx, Nikki

If you want to cast your chart, here are some sites that offer free chart generation (I’m not an affiliate, I just find these useful):


Astro Charts

If you cast your chart and it’s like, “OMG, Help!!! I don’t get any of these weird symbols or lines!” book a reading with me, and we’ll help you find your own personal blueprint full of your superpowers.


How to Survive Mercury Retrograde


LUNAR ECLIPSE IN TAURUS - transformed value