LUNAR ECLIPSE IN TAURUS - transformed value

Closing out a two-year cycle, the LUNAR ECLIPSE IN TAURUS is a beautiful ending. Read on…

The Taurus/Scorpio axis in Astrology has to do with many things, but one of the most visceral topics is that of survival. Taurus shows us the internal strength, determination, and fortitude we have that comes from our own ability to value ourselves, to stand up for ourselves, to know that we have what it takes to survive and thrive in real prosperity. However, there’s only so far we can go it alone - eventually partnering up our resources becomes necessary so that we can expand and grow beyond just our self. In comes Scorpio. The sign of deep merging and union with other people’s strength, determination, fortitude, resources, wealth, value and the like. When two people come together with a common goal, each bringing their own value and resources to the table, a new “third” entity is born: the “we” or the “us” in joint ventures. Choosing our partnerships wisely is essential - sometimes vital - to our own survival. Choose poorly and we can face being taken advantage of, betrayed, stolen from, and more. Choose wisely, and we can increase our abundance and joy in ways unimagined before.

Since November 2021 the eclipse cycles have been echoing the lessons of Taurus and Scorpio. With the South Node in Scorpio we have been shown what needs transformation, what partnerships are no longer serving us in a positive way. In addition - if Taurus isn’t being the self-sufficient, secure in themselves stalwart then they can lean too heavily on others, bringing out some of the less than desirable Scorpio qualities.

Lunar Eclipse in Taurus October 28, 2023

Why does this happen?

Because we need reminders. We need to remember every so often that we need to focus inward and regain our resourcefulness and autonomy. With Uranus moving through the sign of Taurus in 2018 - 2026, we have had to think outside of the box, change our perspectives, be shaken out of our comfort zones and thrust into accelerated change.

Humanity is going through a profound shift right now. A change in consciousness has been happening and will continue to happen. A “splitting” of the Earth is taking place. People who are focused on their quantum and spiritual evolution and radical self-accountability will break away from people who wish to remain in the “old” Earth and outdated, victim consciousness ways of doing things. The shift from 3D to 5D consciousness.

Pluto in Capricorn in its final degrees (where a planet becomes more powerfully felt) square the nodes is bringing a intense focus on anything that is, in a sense no longer tolerable. It’s not a wonder that food, body autonomy, resources, betrayals, losses, inflation, money instability, war, grief and tyrannical figureheads have brought many to their knees. 

We need to wake up.

We need to remember who we are.

We need to stand strong in our value and not allow outside evil forces to overcome us.

And we can. We are. More and more people wake up everyday. More and more people are saying, “NO” to tyranny, despotism, lies, propaganda, poisoning our food and Earth, and trying to take ahold of our attention and our minds. Enough is enough. People recognize what is really happening.

That’s the magic of the Taurus moment: remembering that true strength, value and fortitude come from within. No matter what is lost on the outside, Taurus can weather the storms, and make things beautiful and bountiful once again.

Stronger, wiser, braver, more sure footed, not so easily moved or fooled. We know our value. We know what matters. And we know come what may, we can and will withstand. 

May this eclipse remind you of how courageous and beautiful and valuable you are. 

I did a deep dive into the eclipse on my YouTube Channel. Check it out below.

Lunar Eclipse in Taurus - Transformed Value - ALL SIGNS READING + BONUS ORACLE CARD PULL


—-xx, Nikki

If you want to cast your chart, here are some sites that offer free chart generation (I’m not an affiliate, I just find these useful):


Astro Charts

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