How to Survive Mercury Retrograde

Mercury Retrograde

Mercury Retrograde is back! Let’s talk about what it is, what it isn’t, and how you can survive this “dreaded” transit.

So you’ve heard Mercury is in retrograde. There’s all this talk of “all your devices will stop working!”, “all communications will be misinterpreted !”, “your ex is definitely coming back!”, “it’s going to be a really bad day/week/month/year”…blah, blah, blah.

Why the hype?

Honestly, it’s hard to pinpoint exactly. The advent of the internet does seem to have an impact on our awareness of the phenomenon, but more often that not, well meaning (or not?) people seem to amp up the “certain catastrophe!!!” just like they do for all other “certain catastrophes!!!”

Mercury goes Rx 3-4 every year for about three weeks give or take a few days. The media and some old paradigm astrologers have created an unnecessary fear of this normal (and yes, useful) transit. In a branch of Astrology known as Horary, and certain predictive techniques, Mercury in Retrograde has a bit more of a negative connotation. But those are specific in their uses as well.

In a general sense, you don’t have to be scared of Mercury (or any planet) going Retrograde. Just like you don’t have to be scared of the Sun rising, or the Moon changing its brightness, these are normal and useful parts of the cosmic clock. Even better, if you understand the phenomenon in question, you can use the energies to your best advantage.

Here’s 4 tips on how to survive thrive during a Mercury Retrograde transit:

Tip #1: Don’t freak out.

Use the Law of Assumption here. If you assume Mercury Rx will be nothing but horrible, terrible, no good, bad times, then you are more likely to experience just that. On the other hand, if you take an easy attitude toward the Retrograde and know that whatever comes up will help you in some way, you’ll have a much better experience of the transit. Even if it means doing things more than once, putting off a new purchase or new contract decision (or at the very least reviewing it carefully) the patience pays off.

Tip #2: There’s an old saying, “measure twice, cut once.”

Meaning if you double check your measurements before you get to cutting your valuable material, you have a better chance of success. Use this opportunity to review and double check any plans before going forward.

Take another example: If you're going on a trip, isn't it nice to have your passport *before* you get to the airport? If you forget a toothbrush, don't let it ruin your trip. Yes, it may be inconvenient to go get another, but, if you can laugh it off or make the most of it the better.

Remember: Mercury likes to throw in some surprises, but not all of them are bad! You may just end up meeting someone that helps you out, or get an unexpected solution to something you have been asking for. Then that annoying “inconvenience” becomes a awesome gift.

Tip #3: Use the "inner" version of Mercury here.

It's a great time to redo, revise, revisit, readjust... all the "re" words so that when you're ready to go forward, you'll be on more solid foundation. It’s the yin or “inner” version of Mercury, instead of the yang or “outward” version of Mercury. Just like we breathe in and out, the cosmic energies of the planets take time to go “in” and time when they are “out.”

Let yourself marinate on what you already have going, and let that gestate. We don’t have to be ‘active’ all the time, or be constantly “going forward”. That’s old paradigm stuff we are moving away from. We need rest and review as well.

If things come back into your life take a look at them with your fresh “now” eyes. It may be that it’s the right timing to take back up a project you put aside, or make amends with someone from the past.

And yeah, sometimes we need to do “another round” with someone or something in order to get full closure.

Tip #4: What if I'm born with Mercury Rx?

Lucky you! (and i'm being 100% serious here). Don't EVER let ANY Astrologer ever tell you that you are "backward" or intellectually "deficient" or any other such crap about any of your natal chart placements EVER!!! It's not true. Being born with Retrograde planets is really common, and just because someone is too myopic to see the gifts that are inherent in something “different” does not mean it’s a curse. It means a wider lens is needed. —Okay, rant over. LOL. I feel extremely strongly about this topic, as you can probably tell.

If you were born with Mercury Rx, don’t feel the need to experience a Mercury Rx transit in the way others tell you it’s “supposed” to be. Be open to letting yourself move freely and quickly. When Mercury goes Rx, you may actually feel an "advantage" like you are in the "flow", so ride the wave!

So take a look at your chart and find out what this Mercury Rx Transit means for you. If you want help, hit me up and book an appointment. I’ll help you find the best ways to take advantage of any energy you may be experiencing.

—-xx, Nikki

If you want to cast your chart, here are some sites that offer free chart generation (I’m not an affiliate, I just find these useful):



Astro Charts

If you cast your chart and it’s like, “OMG, Help!!! I don’t get any of these weird symbols or lines!” book a reading with me, and we’ll help you find your own personal blueprint full of your superpowers.


Mercury Rx & Chargers Head Coach Brandon Staley


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