RESTRUCTURING REALITY - New Moon in Aquarius, 2-9-2024

The new moon in Aquarius at 20 degrees is the first new moon we’ve experienced with Pluto co-present in Aquarius. It’s truly reflective of sowing the new seeds of what will be coming during the Pluto in Aquarius generation. This is revolution. It’s evolution. It’s synthesis. It’s transcendence.

All starting from within. 

Let’s unpack this powerful new moon. Read on…

On February 9, 2024 the New Moon will set its place at 20 degrees Aquarius with an undeniably impactful square to Uranus, one of the rulers of Aquarius, in Taurus at 19 degrees. The other ruler of Aquarius is Saturn, traveling through the mystical Pisces, making his final pass over 7 degrees, where he first traversed in June of 2023. Meanwhile Venus, who rules over Taurus, is in her separating square to the Nodes of Fate. So what does this all mean? 

Remember Astrology is layers upon layers of intricate cycles. On this New Moon we have an opportunity to create the new by letting go of the old - “every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end” - Semisonic, Closing Time, a 90’s radio wave anthem song. 

The New Beginning, so poignantly poised in Aquarius. Let’s talk about Aquarius. Aquarius is a bit self-contradictory at times. In a modern sense we have firmly associated Aquarius with social interests, change, humanity, innovation, the future, technology, progress, invention, genius. When you look at those words and bring to mind those images - there’s a tinge of flexibility to them, is there not? But let’s not forget, Aquarius is a fixed sign. It’s the apex of winter. The goal is to sustain the energy and bring it to its fullest expression. One thing Aquarius (like all of its fixed counterparts) is not - is fond of change. None of the fixed signs are. They are stubborn. They sustain. They dig in. Where does Aquarius do this? Well it’s an air sign, so it’s in ideas. In communication. In how we relate (remember we all have Aquarius somewhere).

So the key here is to choose to change. Choose it. Choose to work with whatever comes up. Choose to think outside of your comfort zone. Choose to have conversations with new people who may have different views from yours. Choose. When you choose it’s on your terms, see? And one thing the fixed signs respond better to, is change on their terms. So choose it. Choose to be open minded. Choose to co-create with the divine. Move your mind into the future, into the changes you want to see. But first remember - you have to BE it. For real. You have to embody the vision of the utopia you wish to create and you have to do it in a physically incarnated expression. We are souls incarnated in living bodies. To forget that fact is to your detriment. So BE the change from the inside out. Co-create it. You have to go all in with the Divine, and trust because some of the divine plan may turn out different than you expected. 

New Moon In Aquarius at 20 degrees

A new moon is the meeting of the sun and moon in the sky. Aligned together. Layering their energetic stories on top of the other. The Sun, the source of our life vitality - both in our chart and in our galaxy. The Yang expression, the exhale of energy pulsing outward. The moon - reflecting the sun. The Yin, taking the light in and holding it in so many different changing forms - the waves and cycles of energetic flow. Celestial Gold and Celestial Silver. This new moon, co-present with Pluto, heralds the entry point into a time of great transformation, accelerated metamorphosis, and ultimately transcendence from duality. Remembering that duality is important to our physical lived experience, but the next key lies in the center point between duality - creating trinity. It’s balance. It’s synthesis. It’s true interconnection. 

Which brings us to Venus in square to the nodes in Aries and Libra. The relationship axis: the “me” and the “you”. In the middle is the interdependence of balancing “me” and “you”, “self” and “other”. So, why is this square significant? Anytime a planet is in square to the nodes, it’s a strong indicator that we need to revisit something from our past for the chance to do it better this time around. The relevance of Venus as the ruler of the south node is doubly significant. It’s like a light beckoning our attention going from dim to full brightness. So what will this mean? With Venus in Capricorn ruling the south node in Libra it’s the opportunity to confront whatever comes up with wisdom, and maturity. With Mars in Capricorn as ruler of the north node in Aries, we can “cut to the chase”, or at least directly face whatever comes up, hopefully with maturity, and an evenly measured temperament if the situation calls for it. So what are Venus and Libra topics? Well one would be relationships, and this could be any kind of relationship, not just intimate ones. Another possibility is finances. It could even be something around aesthetics, and being able to find beauty in your life again after a time of feeling lost or heartbroken in some way. Whatever it is, it has to do with what we magnetize, what we attract and also - what we project and disown. How have these topics changed in your life over the last 15 years while Pluto moved through Capricorn? What do you need to bring to a close so that you can make a new beginning?

Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn (and Venus and Mars where they are currently in Capricorn) and Aquarius - traversing the waters of the ethereal Pisces, we are reminded to structure the new kind of world we want to live in. The new reality. In March 2023 Saturn moved into Pisces, went forward to 7 degrees then turned retrograde - allll the way back to 0 degrees. A reset. A second chance for us to do better this time around. On the new moon, Saturn will be at 7 degrees again, so reflect back on last year, what is Saturn giving you a second chance to do? Saturn reflects to us the importance of dissolving outworn modes of being and encouraging us to get in touch with our subtle body, our unconscious and our intuition as guides as he moves through Pisces. Co-present with Neptune, it can be hard to discern, “what is real” . If we can remember that Saturn can help us in Pisces, by giving form to the formless, and materializing unconscious obstacles for us to see, (the things that unconsciously trip us up), we can face them squarely and work on bringing whatever these issues are into our conscious awareness and thereby change them. It echoes Aquarius - BE the change in yourself first. From the inside out. And co-create it with the divine. It’s a flow of fate and freewill. 

Which brings us to Uranus in Taurus. Uranus is always associated with change. And for good reason. It’s an evolutionary impulse to break us free. Free from what? Whatever is outworn, or in some way does not reflect who we are at an authentic, spiritual level. In other words, we are being liberated from conditioning. Breaking free always requires change. You cannot stay the same and evolve. Once you have an “aha!” moment, deep realizations stir within you that alter your view of yourself, the world, the project you are working on, the problem you are trying to solve - whatever form the breakthrough and the break-ee so to speak take on. And this does not need to be a negative or painful process, although it may be, especially with Pluto moving through Aquarius. There may be grief along with some of these changes, so honor the process if you find yourself in this space.

This new moon in square to Uranus is a pointed reminder that we had best get used to the unexpected, to connecting to the mystic cord of memory, and breakthroughs of all kinds during the Aquarian Era which will last until 2043. So Uranus in Taurus, the planet of shaking things up moving through the sign that is most averse to being shook. Since 2018 does it not feel like the ground beneath us is shifting? The things we thought were stable and secure turned out to not be so, and we have been met with so many opportunities and challenges to innovate the way we do Taurus things: food, money, body autonomy, self determination, being better stewards of our magnificent planet Earth, values and worth. Remember - if we can understand the energetic evolutionary invitation we are in a better position to CHOOSE to work with the energies, whatever may come our way. 

We are in a mass awakening cycle, a mass initiation - the rite of passage moving from the old reality to the new reality. This new moon is a reminder that with great accelerated transformation will come many emotions, many challenges to be met, and many uncomfortable truths. Especially when it comes to freedom and authenticity (Uranus) - both of which come with a tremendous amount of responsibility and the need for maturity (Saturn). Aquarius’s dual rulers don’t work against one another, they work together when you understand them more fully.  This time period with so much Aquarius emphasis will also grant us great gifts. Many we cannot see yet, because we have to walk the path first. It’s truly an incredible time to be alive. On this new moon, take time to embody any of the changes you would like to actualize as you can. Show the Universe you are serious about being the change, and then keep showing up. You are on purpose, with purpose. 

New Moon in Aquarius - For Your Sign

Aquarius / Rising: 

This new moon activates your first house. The first house has to do with the self. Who you are in an incarnated physical way. After 15 years of Pluto working its magic in your 12th house of the unconscious, of undoing, it’s time to come back in a version 2.0 of you. Letting go of old patterns related to beliefs about yourself, the world, at large, or any other system is paramount. It’s time to heal. This new moon is a reminder that in life it’s okay to have remodels, to have re-invention. The call is to be a new, radically authentic you. Tend the seeds of what you have, or want to plant and then consciously work on being that change. Don’t forget other people, include them in your new plans and the new you! You may be surprised how many people are in your corner cheering for you to live your big changes.

Pisces / Rising:

This new moon activates your 12th house. There is something here calling you toward reinvention and authenticity through balancing time with other people, your daily routine, to causes and concerns that are near and dear to your heart, with time away. Time alone. A retreat. Innovation comes through time in solitude or by working “behind the scenes”. With Venus squaring the nodes, some of this comes from a need to heal some aspect of the groups, associations or “tribes” you have belonged to and were trying to create a legacy with. Do they still fit who you are and who you are evolving into? Pay extra attention to Saturn moving through your first house. Things may feel tougher than they need to be right now, but remember Saturn helps us to greatness by giving us the challenges we need to grow into the best version of ourselves.

Aries / Rising:

How do you meet yourself, Aries? With the north node moving through your house of “I AM” you are called upon to reignite your passion, get the fire in your belly back. It’s time to find a new enthusiasm for life, and what great adventure calls you forward. Pluto spending 15 years in your 10th house has not been easy. The compass of your life has altered considerably. So what to do now? Look to the future you want to create. You have a natural affinity for finding the right people at the right time with Aquarius ruling your 11th. Choose to align with those who share common goals that reflect the true “you” and let the rest do their own thing. 

Taurus / Rising:

Well  my dear Taurus, you have been in for a bevy of changes, haven't you? For the past 5, almost 6 years, it’s been nothing but changes to your safety and security. The universe knows you so well it gave you extra time to come to terms with your foundation shaking, so that you can understand you get to choose to change, and that innovations are actually pretty fantastic once you understand their value. In fact one of the most significant gifts of Uranus in Taurus has been the opportunity to reevaluate and revise what is valuable to you. What is worth your time? Who is worthy of your tremendous resources? Did you finally discover that you, yourself  are in fact, your greatest resource?  Your inner compass will be undergoing changes over the next 19 years. 

This new moon activates your 10th house of achievement, social recognition and contribution. It’s time to start contributing to the larger whole. Whatever you have cultivated is so much better shared with the right people, causes, and movements that appreciate the tremendous value you bring. 

Gemini / Rising:

Gemini your worldview, philosophies and higher mind are up for accelerated changes. Be willing to open up to what you may not know, especially when it comes to the natural world, universal law, and potentially your own belief system. Anything dogmatic or crystallized in terms of what you think is worth reexamination now. You’ve gone through a lot with Pluto moving through your 8th house since 2008. Pluto was on its home turf, and dug up disempowering ways you may have been relating to other people. The question is now - what have you learned and where to do you want to go?

Cancer / Rising:

Dear Cancer, Pluto in Capricorn changed your internal compass. It transformed the way you see yourself, your partnerships, your place in the world and where you came from. And it also transformed the way that others see you and interact with you. These are not trivial changes, as a water sign overlaying a fire house, so much of what you experience comes from your connection or disconnection to intuition and how intuitive impulses play out in your life. Your ability to be bold comes also from a place of feeling secure, which can be challenging. It’s time to deepen your commitment to your authenticity, specifically in relationship to those you choose to partner with, in how you delve into esoteric subjects, and even how you work with resources outside of yourself. Authenticity and spiritual connection are key, and cannot be understated. The conflicting desire to connect and disconnect will need balance. Be intentional about how you use your energy and also how you may cut off energetic connection from others when you feel afraid. Invite people who get you into your inner circle. Leave out those who you may wish to connect with, but who ultimately don’t recognize the beat of your drum. 

Leo / Rising:

It’s all about you! Except that it’s also about everyone else. The balance between your dynamic gifts and how you share and connect those gifts to the whole are undergoing massive change. Interdependence is key here. It’s a flow. Sometimes it’s your time to shine, and sometimes it’s time to let someone else be in the spotlight. You've no doubt had your fair share of having to negotiate with those whom you don’t get along with since 2008. The real question is now - how do you navigate standing side by side in a true partnership with someone else? It’s not about you in the spotlight vs them, it’s about you together. And all of this is incumbent on choosing the RIGHT partnerships. The thin line between someone seeing you as a genius and seeing you as a strange deviant will be tested. Be open minded and also discerning. If someone doesn’t get you, for the real you, be assured there is another who will. Choose the latter. 

Virgo / Rising:

Virgo - you have had a once in a lifetime transit from Neptune opposing your first house since 2011. So much of your journey is about letting go of perfection, and embracing divine imperfection. About embodying as above so below, as within so without. There have no doubt been tests around the topics of being of service - not of servitude. About not falling into martyrdom because there is a deep intrinsic fear around not being needed. Virgo - trust that we need you. Life needs your beautiful ability to discern - to separate what is important from that which is not, now more than ever. Your 6th house of daily routine is getting a major overhaul. So ask yourself, what would it be like to stand back and see the bigger picture in addition to being able to zoom in on the details? What would it be like to be appreciated for your authentic gifts instead of being taken advantage of? These are questions to start positing to the divine forces, so you can use your famous clarity in a new way that will not only benefit others, but you as well.

Libra / Rising:

Dear Libra, the South Node in your own sign, square your ruling planet of Venus cannot be ignored here. Your natal chart theme will always have a tint of exploring self and others, but right now there is an extra emphasis on healing any parts that are in disharmony on that very subject. Many of these patterns came from your early years messaging, and your generational story. Messages that you received early on around strictness, lack, other people controlling your reality, or needing to be overly self reliant are worth examining now. With the new moon lighting up you 5th house - it’s time to return to some fun! Before other people had their say, what did your child heart want to explore? What did you want to be? How would you take risks of being seen? It’s time to reexamine these topics now. If you have children, answers may come through spending time with them, but remember not to push your views on them. If you have a strong viewpoint or dream, it’s up to you to make it a reality. Your children can be an inspiration, but you are the vehicle. If you don’t have children, it’s time to integrate the dreams of your inner heart with your grown up ability to actualize them. 

Scorpio / Rising:

Scorpio you are no stranger to change, to evolution or to intensity. In many ways you are poised in a better position than most for what is upcoming during the Aquarius generation. Particularly now that the North Node is in Aries, ruled by your traditional ruling planet Aries - with one major caveat: Aries is quincunx your sign. Meaning that Aries is like an itch you can’t quite scratch, or a car that you swear was not in your blindspot when you went to change lanes, although lo and behold, there it was. If you can tap into your deep well of intuition, and choose to face head on, anything that comes your way, all the better. Any patterns of disharmonious conduct you can “cut out” will be of great benefit. Anything that shows up in your “blindspot” is there for a very meaningful reason. Venus square the nodes will pull up blindspots from your unconscious self and your daily life. Transform them as the alchemist you innately are. Aquarius is lighting up your 4th house of roots: roots of family, of home, of security, of self image, of emotional security. Be willing to let your Scorpio super powers help you alchemize any lead into gold.

Sagittarius / Rising: 

Okay Sag, let’s have a serious chat. You have a commonality with Aquarius in that you both think your view is the right view. Which works out great in an echo chamber, and not so great anywhere else. What am I getting at? Embrace the need to be open minded. No but really, engage with those who will expand your horizons, and those may be people with whom you do not agree. Be willing to be wrong. Be willing to learn. This new moon lights up your 3rd house - which has to do with your local environment, your neighborhood, your siblings if you have any, and what you may have learned in your formative years. There is in some way a need to detach and revolutionize topics in these areas. Does your concept of self still hold up with all that you have learned and transformed since Pluto went through your 2nd house of self worth for 15 years? 

Capricorn / Rising:

Capricorn, Capricorn, Capricorn. Patient Capricorn. You have been through it. Most of your life has been working through deep seated patterning on conscious and unconscious levels.Here’s the silver lining: you are poised to change, accelerate and revolutionize how you value yourself and the genius that lives within you. You  have an innate wisdom, an old soul maturity that can be so helpful in the coming years as humanity seeks to stabilize after a massive awakening initiation. You’ve been through it. You get it. Now it’s time to rise into your self actualized worth and realize if you haven’t already, that you are your greatest resource, and sharing your special gifts with others is essential, not only for you, but for the New Earth. Choose partnerships that relish in who you truly are, not what you can “do” for them. You’ve had enough of being taken advantage of. Time to live in harmony with those who see and value you.

—-xx, Nikki

If you want to cast your chart, here are some sites that offer free chart generation (I’m not an affiliate, I just find these useful):


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