FEBRUARY 2024 -Astro Forecast

Oooh wee! February 2024 is here and it’s ready to race. There is a huge power surge of energy in the cosmos making the Aquarius Era presence know. What does this mean for your February? Read on…

2024 is a power year, ruled by the number 8 (2+2+0+4=8). So we are talking about a year of 8th house, Scorpio, Mars and Pluto Energy. With Pluto making a big shift to a new sign and the ruler of the North Node being Mars, we are primed for a year of big important changes, phoenix moments, and breakthroughs.

What a month February will be. We are immersed in Aquarius energy this month, with Pluto in Aquarius, the Saturn/Jupiter synodic cycle in Aquarius, and the personal planets moving through Aquarius, all making contact with both Pluto, and the Full Moon in Leo degree (5 Aquarius) from January 25, 2024. There’s dynamic tension between the transiting planets in Aquarius and Jupiter and Uranus, sitting patiently in Taurus. 

The typical square tension may flow a little easier because Uranus is a ruling planet of Aquarius. The desires of steadfast, reliable Taurus have been undergoing flux since 2018 when the planet of innovation and change moved into the sign of stalwart dependability. Taurus has had lots of practice navigating their usually reliable, solid earth undergoing more than little a bit of shaking. So when the planets in Aquarius come along and square, it may be much easier to finally take off and go already.

There’s a surge of transformative energy and the need to break out and break free thanks to the small, but mighty Pluto, planet of death and rebirth reminding us all the consequences of not living a free, liberated and authentic life that is interconnected and egalitarian.


Starting off the month, February 4th, Mercury enters Aquarius and conjuncts Pluto. It may be easier now to see where to go and what to do as our intellect will be expanded into a wider, more innovative view. Pluto here will help bring hidden motivations and  information to light, which could prove to bring the answers needed to move on.

On February 6th, Venus in Capricorn makes a square to the nodes of the moon - currently in Aries and Libra. As Venus is the ruler of the south node, this is a moment for us to revisit old ground, make adjustments, and hopefully choose a new route, making an evolutionary leap in the process. Preceded in January by Mercury and Mars, Venus closes out this triple transit. We have the opportunity to leave behind heartache and heartbreak so that we can see a return of beauty in our personal world and move forward creating new opportunities to fall in love with life, a little wiser, this time around.

The new moon in Aquarius at 20 degrees on February 9th is the first we’ve experienced with Pluto in Aquarius. The moon square to Uranus in Taurus at 19 degrees is a reminder that we had best get used to the unexpected during the Aquarian era that will last until 2043.

Aquarius is a bit self-contradictory at times, because as much as the sign and planets associated are interested in the ability to dream big, be progressive, innovative, we would assume it is also flexible. However, we may forget that Aquarius is in fact, a fixed sign, not mutable. Aquarius can be quite inflexible. Like its other fixed counterparts, adaptability and progression are typically best met on their own terms. Period. Aquarius loves to break and then make rules, only to break and make them all over again. 

If we can learn to tap into co-creation with change, in other words making the conscious choice to choose to change, we will be much better off for the next 20 odd years. Remember, Aquarius is about freedom. It’s about liberation. It’s about individual contributions to the group. And allll of those things require that we let go. Choose to let the divine help you. Choose to understand that as much as you can see the “bigger picture”, it’s a far cry from the entire picture of creation of all that ever is, was, and could possibly be. So choose to let go. Then it’s on your terms, you see?

Planets and angles  in the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) will feel this new moon most.

Mars enters Aquarius on the 12th and promptly conjuncts Pluto at 0 degrees. Then Venus follows on the 16th entering 0 Aquarius conjunct Pluto. The relationship planets, Mars and Venus, the rulers of the moon’s nodes, Aries and Libra, conjunction with Pluto and passing over the full moon in Leo point from January 25, 2024 is significant.

There’s an unmistakable highlight on relationships. It may be easier to find new relationships - whether they are romantic, friendly or business in nature - that align with our new values and visions. We may also find ourselves attracted to unusual or unconventional (to us) people or groups at this time. Relationships that no longer share common goals will be put to the test. With Pluto here, transformation will be inevitable whatever the outcome.

The Sun moves from visionary Aquarius to Pisces on February 18th. With most of the sky in Aquarius and Pisces We may find ourselves more interested in dreaming new visions, dreaming up new inventions, and dreaming of finding like minded souls with whom to build Utopia. We may also find ourselves wanting more alone time as we navigate the Sun moving toward Saturn and Neptune in Pisces. If we can use Saturn to reinforce our psychic boundaries and help us “stay in our lane”, we’ll find ourselves less likely to indulge in escapism. 

On the 21st, Venus catches up with Mars at 6 degrees Aquarius. They form a T-square with the pair opposite the Moon in Leo at 8 degrees, all square to Jupiter in Taurus at 10 degrees. There’s a lot to unpack here with this transit. 

This formation calls back two events: the first, when the planetary lovers met March 5, 2022 at 0 Aquarius, and as nodal rulers were reversed - Venus was ruling the north node in Taurus, and Mars the south node in Scorpio. Think back two years ago for clues on what this ongoing story may mean for you. The second, is this T square echoes the full moon in Leo T Square, almost at the same degrees. Venus and Mars are opposite the Moon in Leo here, square to Jupiter in Taurus. There’s a reprisal of energy here that may bring more insight to your relationships.

Mercury enters Pisces on February 22nd, and while Mercury moves through ethereal Pisces, words may become elusive. Pisces tends to diffuse the rational, logical side of Mercury. If we can tap into our creative, intuitive mind flow, communication will be easier. Dreams may bring answers so pay attention to anything that stands out. Journaling, stream of consciousness writing, singing, dancing, painting…anything to help invite the cosmic muse to share her revelations. Be discerning about what you take in during this transit: listening to other people: be it binging on podcasts, netflix, news, or anything else where opinions and words are being overly slung about. It may be very tempting to take it all in, but you’re better served taking some much needed time away from our modern world construct that never seems to stop talking. 

February’s Full Moon in Virgo on the 24th also brings our attention back to earlier times: specifically September 2023. Whatever we had been working on and harvesting back then, is coming to a close. The key themes here are healing and moving on. Healing may occur on many levels as Pisces and Virgo remind us “as above so below, as within so without”. Time outs and time away are necessary for our rejuvenation. If you have been in a healing cocoon of late, it is time to start coming back out. Celebrate your growth and get ready for the next chapter. Look how far you have come.

At the end of the month, February 27th, we have quite the stellium of planets in Pisces: the Sun, Mercury and Saturn will all conjunct at 9 degrees, co-present with Neptune at 26 Pisces. We may find ourselves in a bit of limbo, vacillating between the tangible world and the intangible world. On the one hand, the energy may feel isolating, lonely or even frighteningly illusory. On the other hand, connected, healing, glorious and focused on co-creation with the Divine Source. Remember, all transits are just that: transitory. So if you aren’t enjoying the energy, remember it will pass. If you are - delight in it, for it also will not last. 

2024 is a “Leap Year”. Shout out to all the February 29th souls officially celebrating their day of birth this year. Leap year is our every four year “calendar correction”. This also means that ingress and egress dates for the Sun moving through the signs will be slightly different. 

A little PSA: your Sun in your natal chart is where it is. Regardless of leap year, regardless of what a magazine or blog article told you. Your Sun in your chart does not straddle two signs, or magically change signs now and again. Look at the degree as well as the sign. You’re not going to ever have a “double Sun sign”. That being said, there are many reasons why you may not resonate with your particular Sun sign and looking at the entire chart, and progressed charts can be quite illuminating as to why you may not be feeling like a Virgo, for example. In rare cases, if your birth time was given to you inaccurately and you were born very close to the time the sun changed signs, it could actually be in a different sign than you initially thought. But no one is  born on the “cusp” of two signs. Hope that clears up some confusion.

I did a deep dive into the major astrological transits of February 2024 on my YouTube Channel. Check it out below.

February 2024 Astro Forecast - No Going Back

—-xx, Nikki

If you want to cast your chart, here are some sites that offer free chart generation (I’m not an affiliate, I just find these useful):


Astro Charts

If you cast your chart and it’s like, “OMG, Help!!! I don’t get any of these weird symbols or lines!” book a reading with me, and we’ll help you find your own personal blueprint full of your superpowers.


RESTRUCTURING REALITY - New Moon in Aquarius, 2-9-2024


NEW MOON IN CAPRICORN - on purpose, with purpose