NEW MOON IN CAPRICORN - on purpose, with purpose

Capricorn New Moon - Goat Statue overlooking mountain top at sunrise

January 2024’s New Moon in Capricorn is powerful. This is the LAST New Moon we will have while Pluto is in Capricorn in our lifetime. Read on…

On 1/11 we have the first New Moon of 2024 in the sign of Capricorn. This new moon is pulling some punches as it is exactly square the nodes of fate, conjunct transformative Pluto and trine to rebellious Uranus. 

2024 on the whole is like the last minute dress-rehearsal before the curtain opens on opening night: there's the opportunity to go over things "one last time", adjust what you can, and make sure you are as prepared as you can be and as grounded as you can be for the curtain to open and the show run to officially kick off (ie: Pluto moving into Aquarius for the next twenty years in the Age of Air a 200 year cycle, which hasn't happened since the mid 1300's CE).

Soooo.....back to the New Moon at hand.

This is the last New Moon we will experience with Pluto in Capricorn in our lifetime (the next one will be around 248 years from now) and Pluto just so happens to be at the last degree - the critical degree - of Capricorn. Anytime a planet comes to the last degree of a sign, the energy ramps up. It’s like a last call over the loudspeaker. And when a slow moving planet like Pluto comes to the last degree - we all feel it. It changes the background frequency and energy in the collective.

Since Pluto moved into Capricorn in 2008 and definitely since the Great Stellium in Capricorn in 2020, the theme has been one of inner-authority, response-ability and self-agency. Why? Because we need it. We need it for where we are going, and if we don't have it, we'll end up pulled into some icky spaces with some icky people who have icky intentions when Pluto moves into Aquarius at then end of 2024 and stays until 2044.

The nodes of the moon are at 20 degrees of Aries and Libra exactly square the 20 degree Capricorn new moon. With this configuration we are called to look at something we missed so that we have a chance to fully integrate the lesson and the growth to the best of our ability. Whatever pops up that we are willfully ignoring will come back to bite in the end, so even if you are tired or scared or worried to face whatever comes up: it’s better to confront it rather than ignore it.

Chiron the great healer is conjunct the North Node in Aries so there are opportunities here to heal some aspect of your life in the Aries part of your chart. As with any healing process, pain is part of the solution. Don’t fear pain, let Aries courage help you see your way to healing head on.

New Moon in Capricorn Astrological Chart

And then we have Uranus in Taurus, still retrograde making a harmonious trine to the New Moon. Over the past few years Uranus has been involved in a majority of the lunar events: new moons, full moons and eclipses. This moon is no exception. However the trine energy gives a glimmer of hope that the planet of the unexpected will be lending a helping hand here in some way.

Be open to sudden insights or revelations. Uranus can bring innovation and “aha!” moments that delight us in addition to some of it’s less favorable shocks and reversals of fortune (which again don’t have to be bad depending on your vantage point). Taurus moves slowly compared to other signs, because it likes to make sure its efforts are “worth it”, so this may even be something you have been waiting a long time to receive.

A square from Mercury to Neptune can help or hinder the groundwork you are trying to lay. On the one hand, it helps us tap into the cosmic inspiration and on the other can make us feel like we are lost in fog.

Saturn as the ruler of this New Moon sits in dreamy Pisces driving home the point of getting our vision of the future structured and practical. It’s important to stay in your lane and make sure you have strong boundaries (especially psychic boundaries given all the internet, tech, media and errant energies from people who aren’t self-aware or even malicious) so that you can fully use this transit.

The key to this New Moon is facing your own metaphoric mountain - making a plan, being responsible and response-able, having the maturity and fortitude to keep going despite obstacles and following your own inner compass.

Take a look at the Capricorn area of your chart to get more insight on the last 15 years of your life and reflect on how much you have grown, become more resilient and evolved in some way.

I did a deep dive into the new moon on my YouTube Channel. Check it out below.

CAPRICORN NEW MOON 2024 - on purpose, with purpose

—-xx, Nikki

If you want to cast your chart, here are some sites that offer free chart generation (I’m not an affiliate, I just find these useful):


Astro Charts

If you cast your chart and it’s like, “OMG, Help!!! I don’t get any of these weird symbols or lines!” book a reading with me, and we’ll help you find your own personal blueprint full of your superpowers.


FEBRUARY 2024 -Astro Forecast


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