LOST AT SEA? - Full Moon in Pisces, 2-24-2024

The full moon in Virgo at 5 degrees Virgo happens on February 24, 2024 at 4:30am PST. It’s a melancholy moon, awash in memories and desires, fleeting moments and realizations that everything has a cycle, and it’s time for some things to dissolve away. Read On…

When we are talking about Pisces, we also have to look at its axial opposite: Virgo. Pisces and Virgo are both complex signs that sit along a transition line in the Zodiac. It is from Virgo and the 6th house that we transition from the subjective, personal hemisphere of the Zodiac to the objective and interpersonal hemisphere that begins with the 7th house. From Pisces we have a completion energy as we have traversed the entire zodiac, the transition back into the oneness and source from which we have come in the 12th house, only to be reborn again in the 1st house of self and a new cycle begins. Pisces and Virgo have to do with being of service, with purification, and aspects of our wellness.

With most of the sky in Aquarius and Pisces, currently we are dealing with energies that ask us to go beyond just our self, and be interconnected to the collective and spiritual energies that go beyond just our physical self. We are undergoing the jolts of energy from the Aquarian stellium with the personal planets transiting over Pluto for the first time in our lives, and now moving toward Pisces, where both the mighty Saturn and the enigmatic Neptune, in its home sign of ruler ship are positioned. 

So what does all this mean?

Looking at the chart, all of the major planets are on one half of the sky - save the moon. She sits all by herself in Virgo, drawing a singular focus to her. Anytime a planet is in this relationship to the rest of the sky, that planet takes on more “weight” in the cosmic conversation. And what does the moon represent? She represents our emotions, our memories, the past, what feels like home, and what represents security and comfort. In Virgo we combine those elements through the lens of wanting things figured out and clarified, wanting the details sorted so that everything is in its place and there’s a place for everything. It gives us a sense of control. 

Control over what? 

All these huge outer planet and transpersonal zodiacal sign energies that seem to come from the “outside” from somewhere beyond our individual selves. With so much in a state of flux, dissolution, breakdown and break throughs, it’s natural to want a sense of order so that we feel more safe. But therein lies the rub: we aren't’ always in total control of every aspect of what happens around us or to us. But - as the moon in Virgo reminds us - we are in control of how we synthesize and integrate what comes our way. We do have say over certain areas of our existence, and focusing here can be of help on this full moon.

When we look at the full moon chart, using modern rulerships, all planets lead back to Neptune. Neptune is sitting at 26 degrees of Pisces, coming into the final degrees of this sign, where his energy volume will get turned way up over the next couple of years. Neptune, the enigmatic, mysterious, ethereal planet of illusions and disillusions, of dreams, the arts, other dimensions and all things mystical, spiritual, and intangible. There is a strong desire to do something bigger than self now, there are callings of grand plans and grand visions, the desire for Spiritual connection, to return “home” or find “home”, and the desire for comfort and alleviation of suffering. 

All of this energy mirrors Chiron in Aries conjunct the North Node in Aries both at 16 degrees. We don’t have the typical Aries boldness, charge, zest and fire right now. Instead we are feeling more the pain of impotence, of not having life or our desires and dreams of the future turn out the way we thought they would or wanted them to be. There’s an interesting dilemma with self-actualization now - some souls are doubling down on their self-focus to the exclusion of all else, while others are understanding the dissolution of the mask we all wear is essential to finding the true self. 

All the while Pisces, reminding us that everything we are, and all that we see, what we think of as indelible is in fact, ephemeral. It will all pass away eventually. What we have attached our security to is dissolving and changing dramatically, a message doubled down upon with Uranus the planet of breaking down the old so the new can be born, is sitting in THE sign of material security - Taurus. And of course, who can forget Pluto now in Aquarius asking us to transform who we thought we were and how we have been interacting with the world around us in an entirely new way. 

It’s a lot to process. 

Feeling lost at sea, lost in the fog, stuck on a train going nowhere. The loss of meaning can be a bit overwhelming. But if you can remember that loss of meaning is part of the journey, is a necessary part of the initiation trials we are all facing both collectively and individually, it can be a beacon of light in the darkness. This is where trust and faith come in. Many stories, timelines, desires, perceptions…are coming to an end. To a conclusion. Allow them to. It’s part of the process. 

Look at nature - we have forgotten Mama Gaia’s incredible wisdom and her rhythms and cycles. Over time, rocks erode, mountains plunge upward from the sea, forests change, seasons come and go. If we can remember there are rhythms and cycles to everything, we can see beyond some of the struggles we may be in. Take time over the next few days to honor what is gone, honor your presence here, take care of your body, mind, heart, spirit - the totality of all of you (tangible and intangible). We are in a difficult passage, but remember that like anything this is a passage - and it will pass. 

I hope this was helpful.

I made a video of this post, if you are interested in seeing more of these planetary conversations in action.

Lost at Sea: Full Moon in Virgo - Feb 24, 2024

—-xx, Nikki

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