March 2024 -Astro Forecast

March of 2024 isn't slowing down, in fact we are picking up some energetic pace. Most of the sky moves into Pisces, reminding us to let go and trust what's coming to an end, before moving into the start of the Tropical Zodiac in trailblazing Aries. And then, we have the eclipse - reminding us that we can make evolutionary "leaps" if we are willing to allow what changes are presenting themselves. What does this mean for your March? Read on…

2024 is a power year, ruled by the number 8 (2+2+0+4=8). So we are talking about a year of 8th house, Scorpio, Mars and Pluto Energy. With Pluto making a big shift to a new sign and the ruler of the North Node being Mars, we are primed for a year of big important changes, phoenix moments, and breakthroughs.

Starting off the month of March we have Venus in Aquarius square to Uranus in Taurus at 19 degrees on March 3rd. The sabian symbols for these are pretty incredible and so I want to share them here to uplift any heavy hearts:

“Sabian Symbol for 20 degrees Aquarius: A LARGE WHITE DOVE BEARING A MESSAGE.

KEYNOTE: The answer of spiritual agencies to thorough, sustained and victorious individual efforts.

This concludes most significantly this series of five symbols. The individual who has gone courageously and with indomitable spirit through his crucial crisis receives, as it were, a deep spiritual blessing from the Soul-realm: "Mission accomplished. Peace be with you." And in this blessing a secret prophecy of what is yet to come may be seen by the perspicacious and spiritually sensitive mind of the recipient. Every real spiritual step a man takes in his development is the result of a victory over forces of inertia or destruction. The Divine is totally "present" in the heart of all true victories.

This is the fifth and last symbol of the sixty-fourth series. What the "message" is depends on the particular situation, but the white dove always signifies peace; at the very heart of this peace is the CERTIFICATION of individual worth and victory.”

“The Sabian Symbol for 20 degrees Taurus is WISPS OF WING-LIKE CLOUDS STREAMING ACROSS THE SKY

KEYNOTE: The awareness of spiritual forces at work.

Any emergence of life potentialities from the depth of the vast Unconscious is answered by the spiritual activity of superconscious forces in a cosmic kind of antiphony. The individual who has taken a new step in their evolution should look for the "Signature" of divine Powers confirming their progress. It may reveal the meaning of what is to come next. The "wing-like clouds" may also symbolize the presence of celestial beings (devas, angels) blessing and subtly revealing the direction to take, the direction of "the wind" of destiny. 

This is the fifth stage of the tenth five-fold sequence. It concludes a process, having experienced which the individual should find themselves more securely established in their own original nature, receiving the BLESSINGS of super-natural forces.”

Amazing symbology, right?

With this closing square between Venus and Uranus, we are faced with an adjustment. Adjustments must be made between love and freedom perhaps, between how our tastes have changed and how that matches our new vision of the future, how we view our worth in relationship to sharing our value with others. What we want to build that is of value - any tweaks to the plans are invited now.

On March 8th Mercury will conjunct Neptune in Pisces at 27 degrees.  The Sabian message here is: “A FERTILE GARDEN UNDER THE FULL MOON REVEALS A VARIETY OF FULL-GROWN VEGETABLES.

KEYNOTE: The full satisfaction of the individual's basic needs.

This symbol would seem a duplication of the preceding one, but if it is related to the first of this five-fold series (Phase 356) it’s meaning becomes clear. What is stressed now is not the full moon itself or its light, but the moon's power to call forth the instinctive urge for growth; many things respond in many different ways. The symbol refers to a typical garden, not to a field. Such a garden contains a variety of plants, herbs and vegetables grown specifically to fill an equal variety of human needs and tastes.

In this sense the third symbol of this seventy-second sequence combines the meanings of the first two. It is a symbol of ABUNDANCE, an abundance fitted to individualized requirements and wants.”

As Mercury in Pisces joins Neptune, the question is what are you tending? There can be a beautiful harmony of these incongruent planets if we focus on the synergy of mind and spirit. Of rational and irrational. Of known and unknown. It’s a great day for activities that feed the soul and for inspiration, intuition and creative pursuits. The challenge of this energy is getting lost in illusion, deception or the inability to distinguish what is real from what is fantasy. 

Key Astrological dates for March 2024

March 9th is an active day. On the same day, Mercury moves into Aries as Mars in Aquarius forms a square to Uranus at 19 degrees. With Mercury in Aries we may not feel like holding back our ideas, or our tongues. It’s a great time for considered honesty, and not the time for errant verbal punches. Mars Uranus is echoing the Sabian symbols from the Venus square - it is a potent time for breakthroughs. Blazing new trails, lighting speed reactions and unbounding energy are possible. Just remember to channel the energy. Mars needs to move. Uranus needs to move. Attempting to bottle up this explosive energy will not yield good results. The challenges here are not going too far, being overly reckless, dangerous or argumentative. Again, channel the energy - release it! In a constructive way. Throw a pillow on the ground, demolish a wall that needed to come down in a home project, tear up some weeds. Don't take this energy out on yourself or others. 

The following day, March 10th, we have the New Moon at 20 degrees of Pisces. When we think of new moons we automatically associate them with the start of something new, and this is true, but it also should be taken by measure. When we look at the chart for this new moon, what stands out are the number of planets behind the lunation as well as in front. They are almost equal, but the planets that are ahead have mostly been there for a while. So this new moon is more about working on what has already been in motion. A nuance or aspect of an existing storyline is asking for subtle change. Another way to think of this is - what do you already have? What do you have that can be shared? That can be of service? That can be a gift you give to others in service of something greater than your Self? Let those seeds come to light over the next couple of weeks.

New Moon in Pisces Chart

Venus flying through Aquarius makes her entrance into Pisces on March 11th. Venus here can denote a longing - for art, beauty, love, music that moves her soul, and encounters that stir her compassion. Invoking the muse during Venus’s stay in Pisces will be beneficial. In a world that feels like it has been devoid of soul, Venus here can remind us that all is not lost, we just need to tap back into our magnetic soul devotion. Take care with getting lost in bottomless romanticism, or illusory pursuit of a romantic ideal. Venus here is the ultimate poet, but she can urge us into unrequited pickles, dramatic escapes from the doldrums of life to our detriment, and set us up to be taken advantage of,  if we’re not careful. 

The Sun conjoins Neptune in Pisces at 27 degrees on March 17th. Whatever we started when Mercury moved here on the 8th, gets a boost of light from the radiance of the Sun. If we were wise in what we plant and how we are tending our proverbial garden, then this will be a beautiful passage of guidance and signs from our guardian angels and our soul. If we are too out of touch with our soul - or - with reality, this transit will prove difficult as there may be very blurred lines, and the desire to float away from Earthly life and responsibilities of any kind. Use caution today if you feel the temptation to swim too far out - it’s  a day we can easily get carried away. 

On the 19th of March we have the Sun moving into Aries and the herald of the Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere. When the Sun enters Aries, we are reminded that we made it through the metaphorical hibernation of winter. It’s time for enthusiasm, for pioneering new pursuits, getting back to action and going forward. Aries is courageous, motivated and driven to make a fresh start, make an entrance and chalk up wins. Some of Aries' fire may still feel contained in 2024 as Chiron is in Aries at the middle degrees, conjunct with Mercury and the North Node. There’s a measured quality to this Aries season, with Chiron asking Aries to in a sense, be more wise and mature and less brash and reckless. With Mercury here too, to think before we act.  If we can understand this mentor-student metaphor, we are better positioned to get the most out of this 2024 Aries season. There’s too much at stake to be immature, impudent or irrational. Likewise there is too much temptation to be lazy, indolent and self-absorbed which will inevitably lead to a blazing downfall. It will be clear this year, just who understands the wise Sacred Warrior path, and who does not. 

On the 22nd of March, Mars makes his way into Pisces. If we understand our duty to walk the sacred Warrior path, then Mars’s entrance here will bolster our strength and resolve. If we don’t, Mars will take us further down a path of destruction and delusion. Mars in Pisces can have keen intuitive accuracy, a company of angels on his side, and the foresight to know when to fight and when to yield. He can be peaceful here, through careful measure and devotion to a higher principle. On the low end of this spectrum Mars can turn into the perpetual victim, drawing aggression toward him just to prove how slighted and stabbed in the back he is. Or he can turn to chaos, deception and con-artistry and be the one doing the stabbing, all the while proclaiming he’s not. 

On the 25th, we have the beginning of the eclipse season with a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 5 degrees Libra. Lunar Eclipse energy is a carry over energy. Think of it as a really powerful and larger scale full moon. This is where things are more clearly seen, they are more clearly illuminated. We can observe more clearly the effects of early beginnings or choices. This eclipse season will no doubt be memorable for years to come, particularly in the United States as it is part of a larger cycle of eclipses across North America, and in particular the US, that began in 2017. The rulers of the Lunar Nodes, Mars and Venus, are both in Pisces, with Venus as the ruler of the Moon as well. Venus is conjunct to Saturn, and both she and Mars are answering to Neptune in the final degrees of Pisces. Anytime a planet, but particularly an outer planet, reaches the final degrees, the energy and intensity of the planet is turned up significantly. There is a dissolution energy here, a dissolving and letting go. It’s certainly in line with the cosmic themes we are experiencing; a simultaneous ending and beginning. Many truths may be coming to the surface as the curtain is pulled back and we see the Wizard for what he really is, so to speak. Of course, when it comes to Neptune there is also the possibility of sinking further into illusions, delusions of grandeur and addictions of all kinds. 

We are living in a time where it is imperative that we reclaim our sovereignty, where we question what is happening, get back in touch with ourselves and our higher selves. It’s the end of the Age of Pisces and the beginning of the Age of Aquarius, the overlap of these energies is what we are experiencing. Remember Astrology is like a light on a dimmer switch, it fades up and fades down. Or you could think of it like sunrise and sunset. There’s a span of time in the twilight between day and night. When we are talking about a 2000+ year cycle like the precession of the equinox, the fade in and out, takes longer. Moving from separation of our Earthly incarnation and connection to Source back toward interconnection. And if we don’t move toward interconnection, we will only get lost further into the abyss. Some souls will choose that path. Most are waking up though. 

This eclipse is happening in conjunction with Chiron in Aries - healing parts of ourself identity, our sovreignty, the “I AM” energy of the first sign in the Zodiac. And this is complicated because there is so much here, so much to the stories of who we are and where we have come from. It’s part of why for some, there’s been pain associated with loss of purpose, loss of sense of direction and even a pain of just being incarnated. It also speaks to the hopes and dreams and visions that we’ve had about how life is supposed to be, we may have to let go of. That may be exciting, that may be filled with grief. Maybe both. There is something here that is asking us to get out of our own way, so that we can be who we really came to be. 

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra Chart

For the Pluto in Libra generation, particularly those souls born between December 1980 and July 1981, these eclipses are doing a tremendous amount of work because not only are they occurring on or near this generations’ natal Pluto placement, but also on their Jupiter/Saturn conjunction in Libra. The south node in Libra has been “unlocking” the energy of Jupiter/Saturn in ways it’s never done before now that we are finally firmly placed in the 200 year Age of Air that has to do with the Jupiter/Saturn cycle, which I have talked about in my videos Pluto in Aquarius part 1 and 2. The souls born during Dec 1980 and July 1981 were part of the “preview” energy - like the first wave of souls that came encoded differently than those around them. They were in a sense “ahead” of their time, and were in so many ways outsiders. Now is the time for this group. It’s time to really step into that incredible Jupiter/Saturn conjunction gift, that may have felt like such a burden to many. It will no longer feel like a burden. There’s so much I want to say on this topic and to this generation, I’ll probably end up making a separate video just for these souls. 

Example chart, Pluto in Libra Generation with Jupiter & Saturn conjunct in Libra, and the March 2024 Lunar Eclipse

The eclipses in 2024 can provide a progressive leap forward - particularly if they are in contact with your natal placements. It may not be immediately apparent, but looking back you will see a clear “jumping off” point where things shifted rapidly. Look to the Aries and Libra houses in your chart to see “where” this energy has been showing up. Remember we had eclipses in 2023 that were also in the Aries/Libra axis. It may also feel relevant to those with planets or angels between 0-10 degrees of Cancer and Capricorn, as this eclipse will be squaring those placements. When the nodes conjunct, oppose or square planets or angles in our chart - it’s a call to get our attention - to say look here - focus here! It can bring up stories or situations from our past so that we can do things differently this time, so that we can make the leap forward that we need to make if we are open to allowing the changes that will inevitably come along whenever we make big moves and evolution.

I did a deep dive into the major astrological transits of February 2024 on my YouTube Channel. Check it out below.

March 2024 Astro Forecast - Let Go and Leap

—-xx, Nikki

If you want to cast your chart, here are some sites that offer free chart generation (I’m not an affiliate, I just find these useful):


Astro Charts

If you cast your chart and it’s like, “OMG, Help!!! I don’t get any of these weird symbols or lines!” book a reading with me, and we’ll help you find your own personal blueprint full of your superpowers.


LOST AT SEA? - Full Moon in Pisces, 2-24-2024