Tidying up karma. Pluto Rx in Capricorn

Planet Pluto - Image from NASA

Pluto - image from NASA

Here we go again! Pluto Retrograded back into Capricorn on June 11, 2023 and will stay there performing it’s transformative work until January 24, 2024.

What does this mean? And how can you best use this energy?

If you were enjoying the Pluto in Aquarius energy, it will return, but not before Pluto does a dance back and forth between Aquarius and Capricorn a few more times during 2024.

Pluto takes a long time to change signs: the shortest time in takes in a sign is about 12 years (Scorpio), and the longest about 30 years (Taurus). Believe it or not, everyone alive today has been experiencing the shorter cycles of Pluto, when it has been closer to the sun. 

Ever wonder why it feels like everything is speeding up and changing so fast? Why each generation seems at odds with the others? Well, Pluto is a big part of that equation. When Pluto makes it’s final ingress into Aquarius, the speed at which humanity changes will actually begin to slow down.

Pluto Cycles. Visit Astro-seek.com for more cycles

Pluto cycles in the signs. Astro-seek.com

Pluto reveals to us our deepest buried, unconscious processes, and deals with some of the most difficult circumstances that we face in life: loss, betrayal, abandonment, power struggles, non-negotiable changes, crisis, trauma, inner-demons, obsessions….you get the picture. Not exactly the planet that everyone is excited to invite to the party.

“Why is there such an awful planet in the sky?” you may ask. Well, Pluto is not here to torment and torture us. It’s when we don’t understand what Pluto is trying to help us reclaim and regain, that it feels the most terrible. Our brains are wired to avoid pain and seek pleasure. So if we can understand what the end goal of a Pluto placement or transit means for our soul evolution, Pluto becomes much more of an ally than an enemy.

Carl Jung, one of the most notable psychoanalysts in the 20th century, is credited with the concept of “Shadow Work” and the “Shadow Self”, a process of healing inner trauma by bringing up unconscious patterns to light. His breakthrough came, unsurprisingly, after his own Pluto square Pluto transit (one of the mid-life transits a person experiences). His breakthrough understanding became the pinnacle of his career, and has been one of the most influential psychoanalytic processes that has gone on to help countless other individuals around the globe for decades.

Pluto transits change you. There’s no getting around it.

I can tell you from personal experience in my own life, as well as helping hundreds of clients, and analyzing hundreds of charts - strong Pluto placements and/or transits bring about some of the most phenomenal, profound and incredible success stories in the end. Because Pluto also rules over buried treasure. You just have to be brave enough to go into your own personal underworld to get it.

Because Pluto also rules over buried treasure. You just have to be brave enough to go into your own personal underworld to get it.

When Pluto transits (ie: moves around the zodiac and your natal chart) it brings to the surface all the icky-shadowy-monsters under the bed that need to be examined so that they can be faced, accepted, and ultimately changed.

Whatever house you have the late degrees of Capricorn (up to about 24 degrees if you use an orb) on your chart, whatever angles (your ASC, DC, MC or IC), or planets or aspects you may have there, are going to feel this energy the most. 

If you were born between 1979-1982, this energy will also feel more intense. 

If you live in the United States, or have family, friends, business with the US you'll notice the intensity of energy here as well as the United States has been going through it's Pluto Return. Capricorn in world Astrology rules government, structures, laws, society, regulations....you get the picture. So yeah, you could say the US is in a major, major, major time of destined upheaval. 

No matter where Pluto falls on your chart, whether this is intense for you, or relatively mild, be open to change. Be open to examining your relationship with your inner authority. Be open to uncovering your relationship to your inner power: do you feel empowered? Or do you feel disempowered? A major Pluto transit will bring up those questions. Be careful that you don’t fall into the allure of victim identity…that will only keep you stuck and in more pain. 

With the Retrograde, we are wrapping up old karmic stories, tidying up unfinished business, and re-examining whatever is left over that we need to ultimately deal with before Pluto changes signs. You can always choose not to do the work, but it’s my experience Pluto will only get more and more intense and severe if you resist or ignore your evolution. 

If you need help navigating your Pluto transit, or want to learn more about how this personally affects you, book a reading with me, and we’ll help you find where you can use this transit to become more empowered.

Own your power.

You got this —xx, N

If you want to cast your chart, here are some sites that offer free chart generation (I’m not an affiliate, I just find these useful):



Astro Charts

If you cast your chart and it’s like, “OMG, Help!!! I don’t get any of these weird symbols or lines!” book a reading with me, and we’ll help you find your own personal blueprint full of your superpowers.



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