Create your own Luck

Jupiter, the planet of Luck + Expansion forms a tight conjunction with the North Node in Taurus…are you ready to create your own luck?

Read on…

This year is such an Alice in Wonderland year for me, when I look at the transits as a whole:

  • Saturn is in Pisces (building our new “dream world”)

  • Pluto moved into Aquarius (transforming us into letting our individual freak flag fly)

  • The Nodes of Fate are square Pluto most of the year (hello, destiny knocking)

  • Now Jupiter conjuncts the North Node of Fate, in Taurus, as part of a Fixed Grand Cross, -and - will be the dispositer of the upcoming Full Moon in Sagittarius!

Oh-em-gee. It’s a wild ride for sure. 

So, as Jupiter brings expansion to our new timeline destiny a few things to remember: 

  • Make sure of what you are expanding

People get so excited about the “benefic” Jupiter sometimes they forget that too much of something isn’t always all that great. You see, Jupiter doesn’t really care what it is expanding, just as long as it expands. Do you really want more work when you are already swamped? Or more debt when you are struggling to keep up financially? Or more problems of any kind? I’m guessing not. In those cases, you probably wants less, not more (which is actually Saturn’s job). So get specific about what you actually want Jupiter to bring you more of, and then align yourself with those energies.

  • If it’s not aligned it’ll be a massive fail

With Jupiter and the North Node together, there is a bit of fate and destiny at work here. You always have free will to say, “no thank you” when destiny comes around, but I’ve learned from experience that the more you ignore when God shows up, try to do things that aren’t really for you because you think it will bring you love or success, or whatever, it never works out well. Do yourself a favor and make sure you are working on things that are truly aligned for you and your unique spiritual path.

  • Too much of a “good thing” is not always good

How could that be? Well, if you’ve ever had a stomach ache from overeating, woke up to an empty bank account from buying “drinks for everyone!”, injured yourself from working out too much, or anything else along those lines, then you know. Knowing limits and having the discipline to stick to them, aren’t Jupiter’s forte. Again, that’s Saturn’s job. There’s other ways this phenomenon can show up too: just look at all the lottery winners who end up worse off then before they got “big money” because they didn’t have skills or restraint to know how to handle large sums of cash.

  • Use your talents + resources to build!!

Jupiter can’t bring you luck if you are sitting on your couch watching Netflix all day. Since Jupiter is in Taurus, it’s time to get to work. Taurus builds. It’s not lazy, it just needs to make sure what it’s investing in is solid before it gives over it’s energy and resources. That’s Taurus’s secret strength: knowing what is valuable.

  • Don’t get lost in daydreams or escaping

Saturn and Neptune are both in Pisces, one of the signs that Jupiter rules. The pull to get lost in illusions and fantasy, or spending time lost in media and movies, is strong right now. Don’t waste these opportune times to make serious headway in your life.

  • Don’t let fears of the world changing,

or you losing it all (South Node Scorpio in the Grand fixed cross with Pluto in Aquarius, and Mars in Leo and Venus as the dispositor in Cancer) stop you from moving on. Jupiter will also be ruling over the upcoming Full Moon in Sagittarius, which will bring in to question what you believe in, and what you see as “truth”.

It’s time for a revolution, baby. 


—-xx, Nikki

If you want to cast your chart, here are some sites that offer free chart generation (I’m not an affiliate, I just find these useful):



Astro Charts

If you cast your chart and it’s like, “OMG, Help!!! I don’t get any of these weird symbols or lines!” book a reading with me, and we’ll help you find your own personal blueprint full of your superpowers.


Tidying up karma. Pluto Rx in Capricorn


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